Well-Known Member
OK, my dog has been grounded for three days. I've had him for months and he hasd been great about not going potty in the house.. Suddenly, about two eeks ago, he's decided to piddle and poop on the carpet.
I put him outside on the run after he pooped on the carpet and I had a rug on the back porch. The little turd goes to the bathroom on the rug, not one but FIVE times in a row!!
And why, oh why does he want to run away everytime he get's loose.. Not just going for a run or running around the yard for half an hour. but he wants to disappear for hours!!
You need to walk him on a leash every single time you let him out. Walk him to the grass and say, "go potty." Once he does, praise him. Do this EVERY TIME or else he won't learn where it's appropriate to potty. As for running away, you need to walk him on a leash (which will help with the first problem) or fence your yard. :shrug: He's a beagle. Their noses get them in trouble. Imagine how badly you'd feel if he got hit by a car the next time he gets loose.