Dogs in St. Mary's

Animal Rights

New Member
Why is it that when you call the animal warden about a loose dog it has to be during working hours. We all know most of the dogs are running loose after 5pm and on the weekends. What then?

Also, why are people not concerned about their pets running free when many get hit by cars? It is just sad.
Animal Rights said:
Why is it that when you call the animal warden about a loose dog it has to be during working hours. We all know most of the dogs are running loose after 5pm and on the weekends. What then?

Because he deserves to get paid for working and there is only so much in the budget and it does not allow for overtime.

Animal Rights said:
Also, why are people not concerned about their pets running free when many get hit by cars? It is just sad.
You are generalizing. Not all animals on the loose are running free with the concent of their owners. Take today for example, came home to find a poodle, chihuahua, and a small mix breed in my yard. They were groomed, healthy looking and had collars with ID. I was able to call the owner and he came within the 1/2 hour to get them. They had just moved to the area and the dogs bolted unexpectedly. It happens.


24/7 Single Dad
Animal Rights said:
We all know most of the dogs are running loose after 5pm and on the weekends. What then?
Stay away from the Brass Rail if you don't like dogs running loose during those hours

Animal Rights

New Member
They should get paid

I think that we need more help then because I see loose dogs daily and when I call in the evening it is too late. If it only happened once in a while fine, but all night and having dogs jump on your company is not fun!

kwillia said:
Because he deserves to get paid for working and there is only so much in the budget and it does not allow for overtime.

You are generalizing. Not all animals on the loose are running free with the concent of their owners. Take today for example, came home to find a poodle, chihuahua, and a small mix breed in my yard. They were groomed, healthy looking and had collars with ID. I was able to call the owner and he came within the 1/2 hour to get them. They had just moved to the area and the dogs bolted unexpectedly. It happens.


Pitty Party
Animal Rights said:
Why is it that when you call the animal warden about a loose dog it has to be during working hours. We all know most of the dogs are running loose after 5pm and on the weekends. What then?

Also, why are people not concerned about their pets running free when many get hit by cars? It is just sad.

Why don't you back up your username, pick up the loose animals, then find whom they belong too :shrug:



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Animal Rights

New Member
Done that!

We did that every day for almost a year I think that is alot to ask from one person dont you?

unixpirate said:
Why don't you back up your username, pick up the loose animals, then find whom they belong too :shrug:



Pitty Party
Animal Rights said:
I think that we need more help then because I see loose dogs daily and when I call in the evening it is too late. If it only happened once in a while fine, but all night and having dogs jump on your company is not fun!

Stay off Great Mills Road after hours :whistle:


We're all mad here.
Animal Rights said:
Why is it that when you call the animal warden about a loose dog it has to be during working hours. We all know most of the dogs are running loose after 5pm and on the weekends. What then?

Also, why are people not concerned about their pets running free when many get hit by cars? It is just sad.

My old neighbor let his dog run loose all the time. It got hit by different cars several times (once critically), but they still continued to let the dog roam. Animal control warned him often to keep the dog on their property, but it never seemed to make a difference.

Calvert County's site says that animal control can be reached through the sheriff's office. Maybe they have an off-hours number? I don't know what county you're in, but several Maryland counties have 24 hour animal control officers on duty. You may just need the right number through that county's sheriff department.


Ubi bene ibi patria
kwillia said:
Because he deserves to get paid for working and there is only so much in the budget and it does not allow for overtime.

You are generalizing. Not all animals on the loose are running free with the concent of their owners. Take today for example, came home to find a poodle, chihuahua, and a small mix breed in my yard. They were groomed, healthy looking and had collars with ID. I was able to call the owner and he came within the 1/2 hour to get them. They had just moved to the area and the dogs bolted unexpectedly. It happens.

I agree. I haven't seen a stray in my neighborhood in years.The other day my neighbor came to the door to tell me my dog was out, helped me locate him and bring him home! Good neighbors, you can't beat 'em!


New Member
In my neighborhood everyones dogs run free. I dont like them pooping in my yard but what the heck I do it.


New Member
go buy yourself a painball gun.... make sure it has some power.. shoot it with that... it will run and its balls are non toxic paint so if the dog licks itself it wont get sick.. ...

also works well to keep unwanted people away!


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
cartman said:
go buy yourself a painball gun.... make sure it has some power.. shoot it with that... it will run and its balls are non toxic paint so if the dog licks itself it wont get sick.. ...

also works well to keep unwanted people away, but it's considered assault!



We had animal control come by one night to get a dog that had attacked our dog on our property. It was definitely after hours. Then again we called the police too (non emergency) and they sent an officer out to take a report so when the owners were found we could get my dogs vet bills taken care of. The officer called in for animal maybe that is why someone was available. :shrug: