Has confinement issues..
Dogs are smarter than people.

Dogs are smarter than people.
So even dogs are bigots.
No, only their owners. Or you are saying that the Heinz 57 dogs out there can tell that some other Heinz 57 dog has the exact same ratio of mixed breed in them as the other dog? Maybe you should ask Congress to fund that study.
I don't know about dogs, but my horses hang with their own kind!!So you don't think they recognize others of the same breed?
Just an observation....
At the parade Saturday, the place was crawlling with dogs. Every kind of dog you could think of was there, amongst the sea of people staging for the parade. I noticed that Basil behaved differently when he saw a greyhound, than when he saw other dogs.
He would just look and sniff at most as they walked by, but when he saw a greyhound, his ears would perk up and he'd become very alert and still.
My beagle sniffs everyone's butt with the same enthusiasm. I don't think dogs care.