

Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Anyone watch last night? They were talking about media bias with guests Bernard Goldberg, Al Franken and a couple of other people. A very enlightening and interesting show.

Phil, of course, says there's a conservative bias, and was backed up by Franken. Their take was that the media is giving Bush much more leniency than they ever gave Clinton.

Goldberg, as you may know, wrote the book "Bias". He used to be a bigwig at CBS and saw rather clear cut bias first hand. Needless to say, he doesn't work there anymore.

What was interesting were three incidents:
  • A young woman got up and was very emotional about what she perceived as conservative bias. She was adamant that the footage of Arabs cheering in the streets after 9-11 was old footage being passed off as the Arab commentary on the attacks. She said repeatedly she KNEW that was old footage and was practically crying about the media trying to deceive the American public in such a heinous fashion. Goldberg kept trying to tell her that that was NOT old footage, but a real life response to 9-11 on the part of Arabs. She denounced him, saying that she had Arab college friends and they TOLD her that the footage was bogus - again, she KNEW that footage was old. She was very passionate about her convictions. Donahue tried to pass it off and go on to another audience member when Goldberg stopped him. He said, "No, Phil - let's address this. Was that old footage or was it real?" Phil hemmed and hawed a bit but Goldberg pressed him. Finally Donahue told the girl that the footage was indeed "contemporary". They cut to the girl, who was vehemently shaking her head in denial. Then Donahue danced a bit, saying that the footage was certainly not the response of ALL Arabs worldwide. But you could tell by his face that he was caught and he knew it.
  • Franken was trying to refute Goldberg's accounts of bias at ABC, saying that many people have come forward to say that Goldberg's version of events never happened and that he was lying. Goldberg asked WHO refuted his facts? Franken hemmed and hawed and tried to move on. Goldberg said, "No, tell me who said that my version of events wasn't true." Franken danced around and Goldberg finally said, "You can't tell me one person who said it wasn't true because there isn't anyone." Franken shook his head and did that, "Whatever" thing but he never gave a name nor did he care to pursue his comments.
  • A 60-ish woman got up and said she doesn't like George Bush because he doesn't even speak our native language. That got the biggest laugh and applause of the whole show.

All three of those incidents brought home to me exactly WHY conservatives look down their noses at liberals. #1, they're zealots. #2, they lie. #3, the best they can do is some ignorant quip.

Curious what Dems and Maynard have to say about this? Does it embarrass you to be lumped in with these people?


endangered species
No more than it embarrases you to be lumped in with Lott, Jesse Helms, Ralph Reed, and Pat Buchanan.

Cuomo did a good job of refuting Goldberg ( I think they were talking about media reporting of homeless). He basically said, "I was there. I was the Governor. What you wrote is just not true."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Cuomo is a liar and it would be my pleasure to say that to his face. I know what I saw and I remember very well the "homeless crisis" under Reagan, then Bush, and how it magically went away during the Clinton years.

Lott, Helms, Reed and Buchanan don't embarrass me in the slightest so I guess that means, no, you don't mind being lumped in with Fruitcake College Girl, Liar Franken and Vapid Granny.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

So, you are saying you saw what we saw?

Cuomo said he'd refute the media bias that Goldberg alleged, IE, there was more reporting on the homeless when a GOP'er is in office than reports when Clinton was in office. Then Super Mario said, "refuting" I guess to you, "I was there, I know"...

He did not refute the FACT that there was almost twice as many homeless stories in the major media during Bush I's term than in Clintons two combined.

So, here we are again, seeing the exact same thing with different interpretations on what was said.

You must be joking.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
All three of those incidents brought home to me exactly WHY conservatives look down their noses at liberals. #1, they're zealots. #2, they lie. #3, the best they can do is some ignorant quip.

Gee Vrai... that was the Democratic election strategy for 2002. I'm hoping they keep it up for 2004.:biggrin:


Enjoying life!
Originally posted by MGKrebs
No more than it embarrases you to be lumped in with Lott,

I think the country would have been better off if Lott hadn't stepped down.


It shows like that one last night that make it clear why that show has the lowest ratings on cable. I laughed so hard at the Libs I thought I would cry.
Be smart and stay with the Fox News Team


endangered species
Sorry to hear that, Vrai.

Those guys are all racists, especially Buchanan.

Actually, I did not watch Donahue, but the spouse was telling me about it. So let me ask you this- is the criteria "how many news stories there are about the homeless", or whether there was a media bias giving Clinton a pass on the homeless? Because they are two different things.

Next- so when Moore doesn't want to name names without their permission, he has no credibility, but when Cuomo, who IS a pertinent "name" refutes the guy in person, he's a liar. If you guys want to believe this stuff, then fine, but understand that you are accepting some BS because you want to , not because of any facts or objectivity.


Of course there were less homeless stories while Clinton was in office, he gave them too much other good stuff. How many homeless stories were there between 9-11-01 and 1-1-02, very few again. Journalists only do human interest type of stories when they have nothing else to report on.

I heard someone the other night say there was a time when reporters waited for news to happen before they reported on it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Those guys are all racists, especially Buchanan.
Oh please - name one thing Buchanan did that would make you think he was a racist. Just one. And a real incident, please - not one of those famous made up things from the same people who said the 9-11 cheering Arabs were faked. :duh:

Again, Cuomo didn't really refute anything - all he said was that Goldberg's statements were untrue and that he was Governor and should know. Was he Governor of the whole US? I don't remember that. And Goldberg's statement was for nationwide stories, not just NY. If you'd read the book (which I did) you'd know that.

Maynard, if you want to believe this stuff, then fine, but understand that you are accepting some BS because you want to , not because of any facts or objectivity. :razz:


endangered species
I can make this short.

So I will say that maybe there were less homeless stories during Clinton, because he was actually doing something about it, and it became less of a problem.

You will say it wasn't Clinton, it was the Repub congress.

I will say whatever, there was no media bias, it was less of a problem therefore not as newsworthy.

You will say ...then why did they give reagan/ bush such a hard time about it.

i will say because ronnie created the problem by cutting funding to social services.

You will say it wasn't reagan, it was the dem congress.

I will dispute that with links and and the assertion that you assume the prez has no influence with congress.

You will claim the links are biased and the dems had no principles for caving in.

I can't argue with the first, becuase it's an opinion, and I will agree with you on the second.

So rather than recognize that reducing the budget of HHS by 2 BILLION resulted in more homeless, you will claim media bias. Beautiful.


New Member
I would say that there is bias in the media against those that are in power. Once you reach the top, people start aiming at you and want to tear you down. They did it to Clinton through sex and are doing it to Bush because he does not like average folks. Think about it, at school everyone hated the smartest kid and whenever you got a better grade than him or her, you threw it in their face. So, that is my assessment of the media bias.


endangered species
So Vrai,

what does "did" mean? Since Pitchfork Pat never held office, he didn't really "do" anything that we know of. So do comments count as racism in your universe? Are there any particular sources that you think we should include or exclude in our search? Or are we restricted to actual cross burnings?

I guess just doing a google search and counting the number of "racist" references is out, since the internet probably has a liberal bias as well.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Is that you, Al Franken, making accusations that you cannot verify? Or is it enough that you KNOW that Buchanan is a racist, therefore he IS one? Or maybe you're going to say it's because he doesn't speak our native language?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Oz, Dems just knows that Bush doesn't like average people. All liberals know that. Didn't you know that liberals are born with built in ESP?


In my opinion Dubya is incredibally average, thats why I like him.


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by Heretic
In my opinion Dubya is incredibally average, thats why I like him.

Isn't he the first President with an MBA? (From Harvard, no less -- 'ya listening smcdem?)


New Member
Originally posted by Oz
Isn't he the first President with an MBA? (From Harvard, no less -- 'ya listening smcdem?)
Haha Harvard only uses Bush and his MBA thing when they have too...they are not too proud about it. To bad Kerry is a Yalie...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by smcdem
Haha Harvard only uses Bush and his MBA thing when they have too...they are not too proud about it.
See, Oz? Liberals know what EVERYONE thinks and feels!

Okay, SMC, what am I thinking right now? :bubble: