

New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
See, Oz? Liberals know what EVERYONE thinks and feels!

Okay, SMC, what am I thinking right now? :bubble:
Sorry Vrai we haven't put our little microchip into your brain yet. Time for me to go to bed, its been fun.


Well-Known Member
Is it me or are we still waiting for our fellow Libs to find a racist quote from Pat?

Vrai: glad you read the Goldberg book...I pawed through it at a Waldens for a 1/2 hour and like what I saw.

Rush won't even address the issue because it is so rampant and obvious it is a dead issue.

I think there might be a link to award- winning biased comments found on the Dan Rather site (full of his homey Ratherisms). It really is a hoot if you can find it!

"What is the Frequency!??!"


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's interesting to note that Dan Rather's infamous walkout while he was on the air occurred on....September 11, 1987. Probably nothing but the conspiracy theorist in me could really make hay out of it.


Chairman of the Board
Re: I can make this short.

Originally posted by MGKrebs
So I will say that maybe there were less homeless stories during Clinton, because he was actually doing something about it, and it became less of a problem.

Snipped the rest of the "predicted" conversation, since it's based on the implausible condition that the homeless problem got better - it hasn't. It's still there, big as life. Just no one is talking about it anymore.



MONDAY, JAN 6, 2003



New Member
Well, every single poll from the election season until now show that 60% of the people feel that the President does not have their interests in his heart. Let's see, maybe his tax cut that benefitted the rich, or his decision to cut home loan programs, or his decision to live on a thousand-acre ranch and still say he is average made people think that. The Bushes have been wealthy just as long as the Kennedys, yet all of you talk about how little they care about the average man. Question: Didn't Bush I not know what a scanner was at the market check-out lane? But, yeah, they are normal and care about us. SUUURe.

Buchannan is a racist...A former aide to Jesse Helms, an unapologetic racist, and he used race-baiting in Louisiana to get whites to vote for his candidacy in 1996. Comments that he opposed the extension of the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act. Served in the Nixon White House in order to undermine the blacks...referred to them consistently as the n-word. Don't tell me that he isn't racist because his track record shows the exact difference.


endangered species
I have plenty of Buchanan quotes waiting for you, but I know as soon as I post them you will claim the sources are biased, or taken out of context, or some other lame excuse to ignore them, so what's the point. There is no circumstance that will convince you if you don't want to believe it.

So I invite you to do your own google search for " Pat Buchanan quotes" or something similar, and see what you get. I'm not going to be able to convince you, you have to convince yourself.


Chairman of the Board
Originally posted by demsformd
The Bushes have been wealthy just as long as the Kennedys, yet all of you talk about how little they care about the average man. Question: Didn't Bush I not know what a scanner was at the market check-out lane? But, yeah, they are normal and care about us. SUUURe.

*NEVER* happened - just one of many made-up stories about the Bushes, or Republicans. Like many of your claims - utterly without legitimate substantiation.


endangered species
Originally posted by Heretic
In my opinion Dubya is incredibally average, thats why I like him.

Well then I guess you would be at odds with those here who were saying that our FORMER president should be held to higher standards than the rest of us.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You're confusing "average" with "moral". Bush is an "average" guy - he doesn't appear to cheat on his wife, he spends his vacations working on his ranch (chopping wood himself, no less), he doesn't talk like a lawyer, he doesn't run around with Hollywood celebrities, etc, etc, etc.

When we (or I, anyway) say that the President should be held to a higher standard, we (I) mean that he should be a moral compass for America. Not a liar and a cheat. He shouldn't adhere to that old "everybody does it" when it comes to illegal behavior - he should be a beacon, not just another boat.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Maynard G Krebs!

On Immigrants And People Of Color

"There is nothing wrong with us sitting down and arguing that issue that we are a European country." (Newsday, 11/15/92)
Seems like an innocuous statement at best

Buchanan on affirmative action: "How, then, can the feds justify favoring sons of Hispanics over sons of white Americans who fought in World War II or Vietnam?" (syndicated column, 1/23/95)
What part of this wouldn't you agree with?

In a September 1993 speech to the Christian Coalition, Buchanan described multiculturalism as "an across-the-board assault on our Anglo-American heritage."
Maybe some red meat here but it's a true statement, nonetheless. Several prominent black "leaders" have said as much and I'll find you their quotes momentarily

"If we had to take a million immigrants in, say Zulus, next year, or Englishmen, and put them up in Virginia, what group would be easier to assimilate and would cause less problems for the people of Virginia?" ("This Week With David Brinkley," 1/8/91)What's not true about this statement? Are you trying to say that Zulu tribesman would be just as able to assimilate in Virginia as an Englishman?

Explain to me, please, just what is wrong with any of the above quotes? (Man, I've reset this post a zillion times trying to make it readable!)


endangered species
Re: Re: I can make this short.

Originally posted by Frank
Snipped the rest of the "predicted" conversation, since it's based on the implausible condition that the homeless problem got better - it hasn't. It's still there, big as life. Just no one is talking about it anymore. [/QUOTE]

So everybody is always asking me to back statements up, do you care to back this one up Boss?


endangered species
Nice choices Vrai. When I get home, I'll post my compiled list of other quotes...the REST of the story, if you will.

You really didn't find anything in your search that would lead you to believe that Buchanan is probably racist? You're going to stick with him? Sparring with me is one thing, but how do you really feel about him now?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
No, Maynard, I really didn't. What I found is a guy who is very in touch with his Anglo roots - much like some blacks in this country are very in touch with their African roots. What's wrong with that? The Trent Lott comment, okay - I raised my eyebrows at that. But I think you're grasping at straws to try and paint Buchanan as a bigot. The biggest list I could find was the site, which I posted a link to.

And there's no "sticking with" Buchanan to be done - he's not even a Republican anymore, he's a Reform guy.


Football season!
hm, actually, i'mm starting to like ol patty boy..

In a memo to President Nixon, Buchanan suggested that "integration of
blacks and whites -- but even more so, poor and well-to-do -- is less
likely to result in accommodation than it is in perpetual friction, as the
incapable are placed consciously by government side by side with the
capable." (Washington Post, 1/5/92)

In a 1977 column, Buchanan said that despite Hitler's anti-Semitic and
genocidal tendencies, he was "an individual of great courage...Hitler's
success was not based on his extraordinary gifts alone. His genius was an
intuitive sense of the mushiness, the character flaws, the weakness
masquerading as morality that was in the hearts of the statesmen who stood
in his path." (The Guardian, 1/14/92)

In a 1972 memo to Richard Nixon, Buchanan referred to one of George
McGovern's leading financial contributors as a "screaming fairy." (Newsday,
2/8/89) Buchanan has repeatedly used the term "sodomites," and has
referred to gays as "the pederast proletariat." (Washington Post, 2/9/92)

"Rail as they will about 'discrimination,' women are simply not
endowed by nature with the same measures of single-minded ambition and
the will to succeed in the fiercely competitive world of Western
capitalism." (syndicated column, 11/22/83)

"The real liberators of American women were not the feminist
noise-makers, they were the automobile, the supermarket, the shopping
center, the dishwasher, the washer-dryer, the freezer." (Right from the
Beginning, p. 149)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
integration of blacks and whites -- but even more so, poor and well-to-do -- is less likely to result in accommodation than it is in perpetual friction
And it has.
Hitler's... genius was an intuitive sense of the mushiness, the character flaws, the weakness masquerading as morality that was in the hearts of the statesmen who stood in his path.
And it was.
the gay comments
We already know that Buchanan is a fundamental Christian - he's been very clear and never tried to hide it. Why would it surprise us that he is against homosexuality? It's his opinion and he's entitled to it. If he were lobbying to kill gays or give them shock therapy or something, then I'd have a problem.

the female comments
I agree with him 100% on each one of those "sexist" statements.

But I really could care less about Pat Buchanan. The only reason we're discussing him is because you, Maynard, used him as a representative of the Republican party, which he's not. Really - look it up. He was a Reform party candidate.


New Member
I can't believe that a woman would agree with Buchannan's comments about how women are not as ambitious as men.

And how is the first comment about integration not racist?

He may not be a representative of the GOP now because of that whole reform thing but he still is a representative of the conservative ideology that all o f you subscribe to.