Donate prescription drugs?


New Member
I recently got my dosage of Norvasc lowered and taken off Cozaar - both BP drugs. Unfortunately for me I had just gotten both filled recently,only used a few days worth. The Norvasc is no biggie,but the Cozaar is expensive...even with great insurance,I pay hundreds for it a year. My question is,I am sure I could not just give it away without getting into some sort of trouble,so is there anywhere to donate unused medications? I can't see throwing it out when I am sure someone out there is in the opposite boat and can't afford it.


New Member
I recently got my dosage of Norvasc lowered and taken off Cozaar - both BP drugs. Unfortunately for me I had just gotten both filled recently,only used a few days worth. The Norvasc is no biggie,but the Cozaar is expensive...even with great insurance,I pay hundreds for it a year. My question is,I am sure I could not just give it away without getting into some sort of trouble,so is there anywhere to donate unused medications? I can't see throwing it out when I am sure someone out there is in the opposite boat and can't afford it.

Put them in the classifieds....:yay:


But what about the sea turtles...:frown:

oh oh! speaking of sea turtles, I have one for sale. Its in excellent condition. I won't take a pic of it because everyone knows what a sea turtle looks like. Here's a pic I googled for you to show you what they look like.


  • turtle.jpg
    2.2 KB · Views: 81


oh oh! speaking of sea turtles, I have one for sale. Its in excellent condition. I won't take a pic of it because everyone knows what a sea turtle looks like. Here's a pic I googled for you to show you what they look like.

what are the dimensions?


PREMO Member
oh oh! speaking of sea turtles, I have one for sale. Its in excellent condition. I won't take a pic of it because everyone knows what a sea turtle looks like. Here's a pic I googled for you to show you what they look like.

How old is your turtle?
oh oh! speaking of sea turtles, I have one for sale. Its in excellent condition. I won't take a pic of it because everyone knows what a sea turtle looks like. Here's a pic I googled for you to show you what they look like.

No worries..try again to be witty.


I am not going to take the time to answer all your questions unless you are a serious buyer. If you'd like to drive over to see him I'll put him out front.
Where do you live?

Don't waste your time... I just did a drive by and it's not really a sea turtle but rather a typical local turtle with a sign pointing to it that says "see"...:burning:

It was much smaller than I expected it to be.


PREMO Member
Just drive around until you see a yard with a sea turtle out front. DUR. You are only 15 min away its not that hard to do.

I'm calling PETA and the AASPA (whatever the "F" they are)

You are in serious trouble, beotch.


PREMO Member
Don't waste your time... I just did a drive by and it's not really a sea turtle but rather a typical local turtle with a sign pointing to it that says "see"...:burning:

It was much smaller than I expected it to be.

People eat turtles.


Don't waste your time... I just did a drive by and it's not really a sea turtle but rather a typical local turtle with a sign pointing to it that says "see"...:burning:

It was much smaller than I expected it to be.

You really wasted my time you ass. My hubby is really mad that I made him take it out there. Do you know hard it was to get it to sit still on top of that snow drift??? It kept sinking. Why do I even bother???