Don't do it!!!!


Well-Known Member
Daughter talked me into having my nails done with her about a month ago, and I did. :smack: Don't know why, since mine were fine except for two that had just broken. NEVER again will I do this!!! :tantrum First of all, it felt weird... Like my fingers weren't really mine. Secondly, this is what I'm left with (pic 1 and pic 2) after they started popping off. :faint: Guess I learned my lesson!! The pedicure, on the other hand, was great and I WILL be doing that on a regular basis!!

If you get your nails done, you have to keep them up. You have to get a fill at least every 2 weeks. My nails grow slow so I can stretch it sometimes to 3 weeks. Whether it's a American shop or a Vietnamese shop you still have to keep them up or they will start cracking, breaking and come off and will look like your nails do.


You have to have it professionally removed but it is just a coating that protecting your nails. It's super hard. After I get them painted I also get a gel top coat to protect the color so it doesn't chip during the 2 weeks. I had posted a pic of my nails in another thread, but I will show you again. My natural nail is underneath the gel and yes they cut and file them every time I have to go get a fill. Your nails continue to grow underneath the gel which is why you have to get the fill to cover the new nail growth.

This is my nails with white paint on the ends and a gel top coat to protect the polish.


This is my nails with a color and get top coat to protect the polish.


Nice color....:yay:

What color are your toes ?...:drool:


Happy Camper
Can you tell us where you got them done? I can tell you whether or not if it was a good shop, because have been to several, until I found this one that I like.

She took me to the nail place in the shopping center where Nick's is in Waldorf. I think it is Top Nails? Not sure. I don't want to blast the place since they were really nice, and the pedicure was great!! The nails looked great too, but I knew right away that it wasn't for me! From the minute I walked out, I was wondering how long it was going to take for them to grow out!! Guess I'm just "old school"!!! :lmao:.