Don't Look at Your Portfolio!


the poor dad
April was bad - at least for our portfolio. We don't try to time the market - we consistently invest more than $2500/month in individual stocks and mutual funds, leaning towards aggressive. There are times when we will dump a couple thousand extra in individual stocks in a month the market is down. We didn't do that in April because I don't think we have seen the bottom yet. Anyhow, here are our numbers:

For the Month of April: DOWN 8.88%
Since January 1st, 2022 - DOWN 13.44%
Since Biden Took Office January 20th, 2021 - DOWN 3.62%

Your mileage may vary, but I warned you - don't look, it ain't pretty!


Just sneakin' around....
It will all be better after we tax the rich.

Talked with my accountant last week. Generally 10-12% down plus/minus, across the board. Yeah, bad couple of months, but I'm not concerned.



Beloved Misanthrope


If I may ...
If I may ...

April was bad - at least for our portfolio. We don't try to time the market - we consistently invest more than $2500/month in individual stocks and mutual funds, leaning towards aggressive. There are times when we will dump a couple thousand extra in individual stocks in a month the market is down. We didn't do that in April because I don't think we have seen the bottom yet. Anyhow, here are our numbers:

For the Month of April: DOWN 8.88%
Since January 1st, 2022 - DOWN 13.44%
Since Biden Took Office January 20th, 2021 - DOWN 3.62%

Your mileage may vary, but I warned you - don't look, it ain't pretty!
The really big question is have you lost principle? Yet?

Why anyone would want to play the casino that is the massively rigged and manipulated stock market, is beyond me.


Well-Known Member
If I may ...

The really big question is have you lost principle? Yet?

Why anyone would want to play the casino that is the massively rigged and manipulated stock market, is beyond me.
Because every other normal investment option under performs inflation. I don't want to invest in a start-up, don't want to research local businesses to invest in, don't want to buy crypto. I just want my money to not become worthless in my 0.09% interest gaining bank account.


Well-Known Member
I have a few dollars just sitting in a 0% checking account since February from sale of a house. I don't know what to do with it! Money markets and CD's aren't paying chit but it's better than 0%. I actually did invest some of it but I haven't checked to see what it's doing. Guess I better take a peek. 😯


Well-Known Member
If I may ...

The really big question is have you lost principle? Yet?

Why anyone would want to play the casino that is the massively rigged and manipulated stock market, is beyond me.
Get a couple of finance books or take a course and educate yourself, maybe then you will understand !