We should stay on oil as long as possible and not try to find any other sources of energy like the ultra Right wants.
We should also return to an agrarian nation, travel on steam engines and ride horse and buggy to work.
Why do conservatives have such a desire to NOT evolve and advance as a nation???
I understand the close mindedness is most of it but some point the blinders have to come off.
No, you don't seem to even have a clue about the close mindedness, as you call it. Close minded is ignoring economic and physical reality; there is NO viable alternatives to oil at this point, not even close.
Why don't we come up with some sort of alternative to water? It would be more expensive. It wouldn't work as well. It would put millions out of work. It wouldn't solve the 'problem' but, it darn sure would make us feel better about not wasting all that water, wouldn't it?
There WILL be viable alternatives to oil. It WILL happen when the cost of oil, based on supply and demand, is more expensive and less efficient that the new thing. That is the way it works and it really is that simple.
We can make oil less available. We can limit it's use. However, we would have to do that artificially thus it would not be the actual cost. Thus any alternative would not be based on economic viability or efficiency, but by government decree; not an ideal way to build a better mouse trap.
So, you can call me close minded all you like. That doesn't make it so. It does, however, make you dumber than me.