Doofy Husbands


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Oh it's my fault, but it's something that typically irks me. I've even counted them up. TV shows are even more so.

But it actually is a consequence of political correctness.

I see bumbling men on TV, but typically they're married to some shrew. Even the woman in this video is a beech.


Harley Rider
I am talking about things like getting stuff out of the fridge to make a sandwich and instead of getting things ready to put back after he makes his sandwich, he puts things back one at a time after he uses them. Why open the fridge so many times when once to put it all back makes sense. That is my example. It's just little things, like steadying the ladder before you get on it and climb to the top of the ladder and fall over because you didn't take the time to steady it. Stupid shiat like that. Men have no common sense most of the time.
I'm on your side about the fridge situation but it is two need to eat at different times...REALLY!
The ladder thing is how Darwin dealt with stupidity... :lmao:
Remember what I said earlier: YOU MARRIED HIM! What does that say for you darlin'??? Check this out:
I got in the middle of my 2 friends divorcing years ago and I saw something interesting. The 3 of us were at my house and she complained the he's lazy and he complained that she nags too much. I asked HIM why he's lazy and he said; "because she nags so much". I asked her why she nags so much and she said: "because he's soo lazy". And there you have it.
Oh I have too, I not saying women aren't fallible, and I did look it up, I found where it said that all common sense disappears during an erection. But I can guarantee you that there are plenty of women that can come up with some stupid shiat their husbands and sons have pulled.
What common sense does one need when one has an erection? Our animal instincts take over and...:dye:
Here is one that drives me banana's with my husband. He leaves his phone on vibrate all the time. So when I call him he never answers the phone, and he misses a lot of calls. His excuse, I don't hear it, well NO SHIAT! I get so aggravated I swear that one day I will shove it somewhere where I know he will feel it go off. :lol:
Maybe his wife NAGS him soo much over trifle stuff, that he doesn't want to answer the phone...
PS, women are portrayed as airheads all the time on TV and in commercials.
Not ALL the time but I have had to start muting the commercials lately because of the stupidity of them. People are actually sitting in an office thinking these up??? The Progressive commercials are driving me nuttier! The one with the guy and the remote makes the guy look pretty lame.


You missed the part about them being cool when they were bachelors. Apparently the wedding vows kill brain cells....I know from experience that the brain cells controlling things like doing laundry completely cease to exist.

why does a bride smile going down the isle, because the last thing she is swallowing is wedding cake