double by-pass surgery


Thats how them b*tch's R
Maybe a silly question but do they have to stop your heart to do this procedure? TIA.



Frequently referred to as “CABG Surgery” or “open heart surgery”, Coronary Artery Bypass Graft surgery is the surgical treatment of choice for blocked arteries surrounding the heart.

Once the saphenous vein has been recovered, the chest is opened by making an incision along the sternum, or breastbone. The surgeon then cuts the sternum, allowing the chest cavity to be opened, giving the surgeon access to the heart.

In the traditional CABG procedure, the heart is stopped with a potassium solution so the surgeon is not attempting to work on a moving vessel, and the blood is circulated by a heart-lung machine. At this time the heart-lung machine does the work of the heart and the lungs, and the ventilator is not used.

Open Heart Bypass Surgery - Heart Bypass Surgery In Detail CABG


Thats how them b*tch's R
Thanks for the info and the link. My computer gets redirected when I google stuff so I can get info without a direct link.


no problem...I googled double bypass surgery and found that site. I actually dug a little in that site (link I finally gave you) to find what you were looking for.

best of luck to whomever needs the surgery...


New Member
heart surgery

my husband has double by pass at washington hospital center. his heart was beating the whole time. pretty amazing stuff!


New Member
Maybe a silly question but do they have to stop your heart to do this procedure? TIA.

My father had a triple by pass done at Washington Hospital Center almost 2 years ago and they didn't stop his heart. It depends on the surgeon I believe and how bad the blockage is.


Thats how them b*tch's R
Thanks all. That's the hospital she is at. We were told double but may turn into a triple bypass.


Thanks all. That's the hospital she is at. We were told double but may turn into a triple bypass.

My dad had triple bypass, valve repair, and reconstruction. Pretty extensive surgery. He came out fine. His surgeon (Dr. Boyce) is good, very good. I think WHC is the best! Prayers for you and 'she'.


In My Opinion
Thanks for the info and the link. My computer gets redirected when I google stuff so I can get info without a direct link.

install Microsoft security essentials if you have not already.
they install stopzilla, its a free download for a trial version of it.
between the two they will clear up your browser issue.


In My Opinion
Thanks all. That's the hospital she is at. We were told double but may turn into a triple bypass.

If everything else is in fair shape before the surgery, there is very little problem with it anymore.
My dad had a 4 way bypass 15 years ago, his recovery was rough as far as comfort goes, but he has been doing pretty good since..
well, at least the bypass part has been doing good, he has a bad valve now and they really cant do anything for him other than drugs to keep him from having congestive heart failure.


Thats how them b*tch's R
Thanks for all the well wishes. We are at the hospital now. Everyone here has been great. We expect no complications with her recovery.


In My Opinion
Thanks for all the well wishes. We are at the hospital now. Everyone here has been great. We expect no complications with her recovery.

Prayers for a successful surgery and a fast recovery.

for the next couple of weeks make sure that the pillow they send her home with to put pressure on her chest when she coughs,, does not leave her side.


Thats how them b*tch's R
Thank you. She is out and doing well. They didn't have to put her on the bypass machine. It'll be a while before she's awake but she looks better than I expected.


In My Opinion
Thank you. She is out and doing well. They didn't have to put her on the bypass machine. It'll be a while before she's awake but she looks better than I expected.

Thats great news.
Now heres to the speedy recovery. you wont believe how much better she is doing after a couple weeks.


Active Member
I just did this

Thank you. She is out and doing well. They didn't have to put her on the bypass machine. It'll be a while before she's awake but she looks better than I expected.

I had quadruple bypass surgery less than 2 weeks ago and I am at home recovering. My surgery was on a Friday afternoon and I was discharged the following Tuesday afternoon. I am out walking 2-3 times a day and am also doing stairs at my house.
I had my surgery at GW University hospital. I thank god for the skills of the surgical team and the care I received while at GW. The nurses in the ICU and CCU were amazing. The support from friends and family was incredible. I can never repay all these people for what they did for me. I will be forever grateful. My loving wife is the most amazing person. While I always knew that, she has been incredible. I could not get thru this without her.

I did not have to go on the bypass machine. They did not have to stop my heart. The only thing I remember is waking up with the breathing tube still down my throat. That was not pleasant but fortunately, it did not last long.

I am amazed by how fast I seem to be recovering. The 1st week at home was kind of rough but the progress was still there. I did not use one of the Heart-Hugger pillows that I've heard mentioned. I was wearing a small harness around my chest that had two handles on the front of it. I could grab the handles and squeeze them together when I felt a cough coming on. It still hurts when you cough but the harness helped alot. I stopped using the harness after about 10 days altogether.

I hope you have a comfortable lounge chair at home. I can't even get comfortable in a bed no matter how many pillows and such I use. I can be very comfortable in my lounge chair. It's where I sleep, at least for now.

Like I said, I'm at home and recovering so I have lots of time. Please PM me if you want. I'd be happy to answer anything I can. Good Luck!
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Well-Known Member
I had quadruple bypass surgery less than 2 weeks ago and I am at home recovering. My surgery was on a Friday afternoon and I was discharged the following Tuesday afternoon. I am out walking 2-3 times a day and am also doing stairs at my house.
I had my surgery at GW University hospital. I thank god for the skills of the surgical team and the care I received while at GW. The nurses in the ICU and CCU were amazing. The support from friends and family was incredible. I can never repay all these people for what they did for me. I will be forever grateful. My loving wife is the most amazing person. While I always new that, she has been incredible. I could not get thru this without her.

I did not have to go on the bypass machine. They did not have to stop my heart. The only thing I remember is waking up with the breathing tube still down my throat. That was not pleasant but fortunately, it did not last long.

I am amazed by how fast I seem to be recovering. The 1st week at home was kind of rough but the progress was still there. I did not use one of the Heart-Hugger pillows that I've heard mentioned. I was wearing a small harness around my chest that had two handles on the front of it. I could grab the handles and squeeze them together when I felt a cough coming on. It still hurts when you cough but the harness helped alot. I stopped using the harness after about 10 days altogether.

I hope you have a comfortable lounge chair at home. I can't even get comfortable in a bed no matter how many pillows and such I use. I can be very comfortable in my lounge chair. It's where I sleep, at least for now.

Like I said, I'm at home and recovering so I have lots of time. Please PM me if you want. I'd be happy to answer anything I can. Good Luck!

Glad you had a great recovery, I see you are Caps fan the way they are playing I'd stay away from the TV, could cause a heart attack. My artieries are fine, dang heart just wants to beat to fast. Got shocked back into rythem last week and in 4 days I was beating fast again.


Active Member
Been a fan for many years

Glad you had a great recovery, I see you are Caps fan the way they are playing I'd stay away from the TV, could cause a heart attack. My artieries are fine, dang heart just wants to beat to fast. Got shocked back into rythem last week and in 4 days I was beating fast again.

I'm hoping that they do the reverse of last year. Play well enough to get into the playoffs and then get hot, Make a serious run for the cup. Thta's what we'll all remember instead of a great regular season and being swept out of the first round of the playoffs.


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping that they do the reverse of last year. Play well enough to get into the playoffs and then get hot, Make a serious run for the cup. Thta's what we'll all remember instead of a great regular season and being swept out of the first round of the playoffs.
