They're out to get us
I am ALL in favor of a cap of some sort that has the result the current non sense has; parity. There are better ways to do it, but, however they do it, I'm with you on the parity part.
You CAN'T start the regular season in AUGUST. You just can't. That's immoral.
Extending the division races risks baseball-izing the thing into irrelevance. Why not add a third division game as a tie breaker? Why not best 3 our of 5?
The risk is dilution.
I am against the first round bye be it cutting two teams or adding two teams so that everyone plays that first week. There is NO advantage to the bye and it's not fair for some teams to, going all the way, have to play one more game.
Both August and January/February are pretty crappy times to play football if you ask me. I think the current season fits just right.
Just curious, what's your problem with the current salary cap structure? Too high? Too low? Top rookies paid too much? Able to cut players without owing them a dime?