


Been hanging on to my son's old toys for all the good memories. Since I no longer remember what good memories they held :), decided to get rid of a lot of them (really need the space too). There's a Thomas the Tank train platform, tracks, trains, trees, people, buildings etc (made long before the lead paint scare), about 50 pounds of matchbox cars, playmobil train set that runs on batteries, no sure what else until I dig. I'm not big on selling anything but I would like to donate to someone or someplace - don't know how to put this delicately, maybe someone who might like to get those toys for their child but cannot afford. Don't mean to offend, most of the people I work with are very well off. Any suggestions?
I'd love to have them for the tot lot at Cub Scout Day Camp this summer. I can give you a receipt for tax write off.


huntr1 said:
I'd love to have them for the tot lot at Cub Scout Day Camp this summer. I can give you a receipt for tax write off.

Sounds like a plan - Thomas the Tank - are the kids too old for that?


huntr1 said:
I'd love to have them for the tot lot at Cub Scout Day Camp this summer. I can give you a receipt for tax write off.


huntr1 said:
Nope. I'll take everything. We've got from <2 to 9 or 10 y.o.

I'm gradually getting everything out of storage. Can you possibly pick up the train board - it won't fit into my car.


New Member
You’re missing a golden opportunity here, think about:
1. picking a spot on a narrow, yet heavily traveled road.
2. erecting a large banner obscuring the right-of-way.
3. setting up tables filled with cheesy useless crap.
4. watch brain-dead bargain hunters park and wander across the heavily traveled road.
5. Profit!

Be sure to bring camcorder to record the festivities for posterity.


I am so very blessed
sockgirl77 said:
For real! I need the Thomas table.
And I even sent her a PM before Hunter1 got to her.

Oh well.

At least they toys are going to someone who will use them well.



Well-Known Member
BadGirl said:
And I even sent her a PM before Hunter1 got to her.

Oh well.

At least they toys are going to someone who will use them well.

My parents got J the biggest Thomas set they could find in hopes that I was buying the table. I went to get one thinking they were in the $50 range. I found one at Toys R' Us. $350. :jet:


BadGirl said:
And I even sent her a PM before Hunter1 got to her.

Oh well.

At least they toys are going to someone who will use them well.


I'm sorry I hadn't seen your PM before I answered Hunter, didn't quite know what to say at that point. I do have a playmobile train left that plugs in but operates on a remote control - it's a larger train, but I'm not sure about that for your son right now, that would be up to you.

I gave the Thomas the Train stuff to my upstairs neighbor who have a three year old and not a lot of money. The set belonged to my son and he likes this little boy - it was his decision to give them our neighbor. I was pretty proud of him - with his disabilties anytime he gives something away - it's a good thing.


Well-Known Member
Hey Dixie...There are people selling the Thomas tables for $150 on Craigslist. Seems as if every 3-5 year old needs one. :lol:


I'm not big on selling anything - I just gave away close to 50 Disney and whatever beanie babies that were real popular - Ty was that it? My son is autistic and mildly retarded - several years ago I was told he'll probably never progress beyond nine years of age mentally - so when he gives things away without a fight - it's a milestone! And the little boy upstairs loves anything with wheels - his parents said he sleeps with them. It's a feel good moment.


Dixie said:
I'm not big on selling anything - I just gave away close to 50 Disney and whatever beanie babies that were real popular - Ty was that it? My son is autistic and mildly retarded - several years ago I was told he'll probably never progress beyond nine years of age mentally - so when he gives things away without a fight - it's a milestone! And the little boy upstairs loves anything with wheels - his parents said he sleeps with them. It's a feel good moment.
I got rid of alot of old toys a few years ago. Gave them to the church up the road. They re-sell them and put the money to good use. Only thing I can't get Jay to give up is any of his old video games. He still has the original Ninitendo and still plays it.


Darwin was right

Dixie said:
I'm not big on selling anything - I just gave away close to 50 Disney and whatever beanie babies that were real popular - Ty was that it? My son is autistic and mildly retarded - several years ago I was told he'll probably never progress beyond nine years of age mentally - so when he gives things away without a fight - it's a milestone! And the little boy upstairs loves anything with wheels - his parents said he sleeps with them. It's a feel good moment.

:coffee: Dixie...If you are not into selling, you might want to offer you items at a site that will match up your items with folks that have needs and not just wants. There is a local chapter here in Southern Maryland. Try this link:


Freecycling is great...

I have freecycled quite a few things over the past few months. It helps someone else out, and gets the stuff out of my house!


sockgirl77 said:
My parents got J the biggest Thomas set they could find in hopes that I was buying the table. I went to get one thinking they were in the $50 range. I found one at Toys R' Us. $350. :jet:

We built a table for my son's Thomas things and then bought the mat with all the roads on it for like $50. It wasn't as nice as the real one, but bigger and MUCH cheaper...and my son had a blast with it. And we didn't care when he decided to remove the mat and draw his own roads all over it.