Dr Cafferty phone disconnected


my war
I stopped by his office again tonight @ 3:30 pm and the office was locked (again) no notes or signs on doors. My guess is the office is closed for good, but what I need to know is how to get our records so I can change primary care docs. I hope everything is ok with Dr. Cafferty, but I really wish as the previous poster said that we would get a letter/phone call or at least a note on the door of his office to say what is going on and how we can get our records.

If you find out, please let us know! :yay:


Active Member
If you find out, please let us know! :yay:

I went to Dr Cafferty's Office this afternoon, and he is open. His hours are modified so that he can go Monday's, and Wednesday's to the Veteran's Home. I spoke to him personally about what is going on in the Forum. He told me that a former Employee there was NOT answering the Phone Messages. They are trying to rectify this, since the Lady just quit Friday. They had 52 phone messages to retreive, and then answer. He had no clue that this Employee was not doing her job until last Friday.


my war
I went to Dr Cafferty's Office this afternoon, and he is open. His hours are modified so that he can go Monday's, and Wednesday's to the Veteran's Home. I spoke to him personally about what is going on in the Forum. He told me that a former Employee there was NOT answering the Phone Messages. They are trying to rectify this, since the Lady just quit Friday. They had 52 phone messages to retreive, and then answer. He had no clue that this Employee was not doing her job until last Friday.

geez!!!! Thanks for the info!


New Member
I'm thinking that this last girl was the only front office/receptionist staff member there, and could not keep up with all of the phone calls, all of her office duties, and dealing with everything else that she more than likely had to deal with.

52 phone messages is a lot for one person to answer, and still try to complete everything else that she normally probably had to do.

Just a guess.
Have noticed, just an observation, that the office had been more than short-staffed for a very long time.
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Active Member
I'm thinking that this last girl was the only front office/receptionist staff member there, and could not keep up with all of the phone calls, all of her office duties, and dealing with everything else that she more than likely had to deal with.

52 phone messages is a lot for one person to answer, and still try to complete everything else that she normally probably had to do.

Just a guess.
Have noticed, just an observation, that the office had been more than short-staffed for a very long time.

You are probably right about that. BUT..I always returned calls, even if I was the last one there at 9 PM, or even later. I wasn't a Receptioist either. The 52 unanswered calls may be from long ago, which may have made some of his Patients leave the Practice? This person really effed up in my opinion!


I stopped by his office again tonight @ 3:30 pm and the office was locked (again) no notes or signs on doors. My guess is the office is closed for good, but what I need to know is how to get our records so I can change primary care docs. I hope everything is ok with Dr. Cafferty, but I really wish as the previous poster said that we would get a letter/phone call or at least a note on the door of his office to say what is going on and how we can get our records.

Most days the office is only open from 8am-12pm. He has one (or two) days where he is open from 10/11am-6pm. My husband was just there about two weeks ago. So, as far as we know, he is still there. They are back down to one receptionist again, and she is trying her best to handle all the phone calls. I'm thinking about looking for a new doctor because the last two times I was there, I wasn't seen until 2 1/2 - 3 hours later, and that's NO fun when you have a 1 year old with you!

(edit)*So from the time I typed this, a few other people responded, lol.*
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New Member
Bad timing

Most days the office is only open from 8am-12pm. He has one (or two) days where he is open from 10/11am-6pm. My husband was just there about two weeks ago. So, as far as we know, he is still there. They are back down to one receptionist again, and she is trying her best to handle all the phone calls. I'm thinking about looking for a new doctor because the last two times I was there, I wasn't seen until 2 1/2 - 3 hours later, and that's NO fun when you have a 1 year old with you!

(edit)*So from the time I typed this, a few other people responded, lol.*

Wow, I must have some really bad timing because I stopped by the office at least 6 times and each time the door was locked. I guess it must have been on Mondays and Wednesdays. Does anyone know his new schedule i.e. is he closed all day Mon and Wed? This is the first I've heard of new hours and we are really trying to find out about some test results from blood taken over a month ago.


Active Member
Wow, I must have some really bad timing because I stopped by the office at least 6 times and each time the door was locked. I guess it must have been on Mondays and Wednesdays. Does anyone know his new schedule i.e. is he closed all day Mon and Wed? This is the first I've heard of new hours and we are really trying to find out about some test results from blood taken over a month ago.
He closes early on Monday's and Wednesdays. So I would say, go there before noon?


my war
No more chances... I am done with him... I have seen some shady #### go down in his office as well... There is something about that dude!


If everyone in your neighborhood has lyme, you should pool your money and get some chickens. They love to eat ticks.

This is a good idea, or why dont we just shoot all the damn deer!!!!! Over half the people in freakin' southern Maryland have lyme...They're bein told they have fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatique Syndrome though.......


New Member
This is a good idea, or why dont we just shoot all the damn deer!!!!! Over half the people in freakin' southern Maryland have lyme...They're bein told they have fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatique Syndrome though.......

I wonder if we live in the same neighborhood? Are you in Mech? Because I know a few people in my neighborhood have it and my kids and I have all tested positive.

On another note - if the rumors are true and Cafferty has closed :cds: where is everyone going? Im going to need to find a replacement pretty quickly, as my middle child is REALLY sick. We were actually beginning to make arrangements for IV with the Dr. :-(


New Member
The hubby was down that way today and checked out the office. It is indeed closed. Basically the letter says that effective Jan 20th, patient care will be assumed to Calvert Primary Care (410-394-3712). It was due to personal health reasons. He will finalizing any work that was in process - refills, referrals, results - before the transfer date.

So there are going to be a lot of lymies searching for a new lyme literate doctor. Very sad. I wish Dr Cafferty and all those suffering from this terrible disease the best of luck.

Southern Maryland Lyme | Facebook


Active Member
I wonder if we live in the same neighborhood? Are you in Mech? Because I know a few people in my neighborhood have it and my kids and I have all tested positive.

On another note - if the rumors are true and Cafferty has closed :cds: where is everyone going? Im going to need to find a replacement pretty quickly, as my middle child is REALLY sick. We were actually beginning to make arrangements for IV with the Dr. :-(

Maybe try Pomilla at Calvert Internal Medicine. He put my IV line in. I heard that he wasn't accpeting Lyme patients anymore though.


PREMO Member
Maybe try Pomilla at Calvert Internal Medicine. He put my IV line in. I heard that he wasn't accpeting Lyme patients anymore though.

Why do you tell people to try when you know they aren't taking anymore patients?


I put up with the long wait times because I liked Dr. Cafferty. I tried to find a new doctor a year ago when he closed due to health reasons and no one was accepting new patients. Luckily he reopened and I didnt have to worry about it. Guess I dont have a choice now.


I put up with the long wait times because I liked Dr. Cafferty. I tried to find a new doctor a year ago when he closed due to health reasons and no one was accepting new patients. Luckily he reopened and I didnt have to worry about it. Guess I dont have a choice now.

Hi, pm me. I found a totally awesome LLMD


New Member
Has anyone tried calling Calvert Primary yet? Im hearing that they are saying they will be treating the lyme patients... not sure if they treat as aggressively as Dr C did though.


New Member
Dr. Cafferty

Dr. Cafferty picked up and closed his office overnight. His phone was disconnected before his patients had the chance to get on lengthy wait lists to see other physicians who will treat someone with lyme disease. I had a medical emergency and the doctor was not available by email, fax or phone because he could not be bothered to let me know he was closing his doors. Calvert Primary Care does not treat chronic lyme disease. If you have Dr. Cafferty paged through the clinic he calls back right away and says he does not have your chart and he will call you back and then never does.

As a lyme patient I did not care that the wait was lengthy to see him. The fact he was willing to help me at all was wonderful! And help he did! His wife was very nice to me and friendly. So was his lab technician. If he was overwhelmed with lyme patients and did not want to see us anymore that is absolutely his right. But it is not his right to close first, then disconnect the phone, then post a letter on the door that conflicts with what he later wrote in a letter to everyone which was sent through the mail. Now I have to wait for 5 months to see someone else. An emergency that could have been totally avoided had he cared enough to handle things differently.
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New Member
Dr. Cafferty picked up and closed his office overnight. His phone was disconnected before his patients had the chance to get on lengthy wait lists to see other physicians who will treat someone with lyme disease. I had a medical emergency and the doctor was not available by email, fax or phone because he could not be bothered to let me know he was closing his doors. Calvert Primary Care does not treat chronic lyme disease. If you have Dr. Cafferty paged through the clinic he calls back right away and says he does not have your chart and he will call you back and then never does.

As a lyme patient I did not care that the wait was lengthy to see him. The fact he was willing to help me at all was wonderful! And help he did! His wife was very nice to me and friendly. So was his lab technician. If he was overwhelmed with lyme patients and did not want to see us anymore that is absolutely his right. But it is not his right to close first, then disconnect the phone, then post a letter on the door that conflicts with what he later wrote in a letter to everyone which was sent through the mail. Now I have to wait for 5 months to see someone else. An emergency that could have been totally avoided had he cared enough to handle things differently.

I've been a patient of Dr Cafferty for several years and I really, really liked him, so much so that I even referred several friends to him. So I am VERY disappointed in the way that things were handled and continue to be handled. I recently had the same experience as the poster above - I contacted Calvert Primary and was told they could not help me, that I was still Dr Cafferty's patient and his responsibility and that I should have him paged. When I did, he immediately came on the line, told me he would get the test results I was requesting and call me back. That was 5 days ago. His patients deserve better than this.