Dr. Cafferty Where are you?


New Member
I don't have the money yet to see another doctor. My insurance is good but .... well you know how it goes.

The good news is that the CDC now recognizes Chronic Lyme. That wasn't the case before. I'm just praying that my Lyme doesn't come out of remission.


DR Michelle A. Folsom, M.D., Calvert Family Practice, (410) 535-4488


I AM an enigma
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I too miss Dr. Cafferty more than I could put into words. I am still trying to find another Dr. that treats it for the threat it its. I am so sick of the misnomer that once you have had a months treatment of Doxy, you are well. Bullchit. I have been fighting this awful disease for over 6 years now, and Cafferty is the only one who actually HELPED me.

Ticks suck. I am not a quitter, but it is soooooooooo hard to deal with this day in and day out.


mama to two
If you need to see if a Practitioner is still licensed and practicing, go to this website and enter either their name or license number:


I too miss Dr. Cafferty more than I could put into words. I am still trying to find another Dr. that treats it for the threat it its. I am so sick of the misnomer that once you have had a months treatment of Doxy, you are well. Bullchit. I have been fighting this awful disease for over 6 years now, and Cafferty is the only one who actually HELPED me.

Ticks suck. I am not a quitter, but it is soooooooooo hard to deal with this day in and day out.

We didn't have the issue of lyme's, but my children absolutely loved Dr. Cafferty, and he was their doc for many years (they are grown and on their own now and gone from Calvert). He is a doc that breaks from the mold, and is a maverick in a way. I hope he is doing well. And, I hope the best for y'all that are dealing with lyme disease.


Jam out with ur clam out
If you need to see if a Practitioner is still licensed and practicing, go to this website and enter either their name or license number:


I too miss Dr. Cafferty more than I could put into words. I am still trying to find another Dr. that treats it for the threat it its. I am so sick of the misnomer that once you have had a months treatment of Doxy, you are well. Bullchit. I have been fighting this awful disease for over 6 years now, and Cafferty is the only one who actually HELPED me.

Ticks suck. I am not a quitter, but it is soooooooooo hard to deal with this day in and day out.

im also chronic lyme and i must say i was on doxy for over a year along with other meds. I have been off of those meds now for almost 2 yrs and still feel pretty good aside from the few flare ups each year. I also do take Cats Claw every day still to keep the lyme bacteria under control. This is what has made the biggest difference as i stopped taking it three weeks ago and after the 3rd week off of it i could tell a difference. So i started back on it and now im feeling almost back to normal again!!!