Dr. Zabiegalski, D.D.S.

Callie girl

New Member
I went to the dentist today and was told I need my wisdom teeth pulled pronto. My dentist gave me a referral to a Dr. Neal Zabiegalski. Has anyone used him?? I spoke with him this evening and he sounded like a pretty good guy. I go tomorrow so he can look at the one thats giving me trouble. I'd appreciate any feedback. TIA

I had my wisdom teeth pulled by him. He was pretty good and nice from what I remember since it was years ago.

Dead Eye

He pulled mine. Give me a shot woke up and it was done. A few years after that a surgery to my jaw. All good with Docter Z.


Witchy Woman
Dr. Z was one of the oral surgeons I saw before I knew that the excruciating pain I was having was Trigeminal Neuralgia. Before I was diagnosed with the TN I was convinced my pain was coming from my wisdom teeth. So, Dr. Z. put me to sleep and pulled them. He was great to me at that time.

I get home and the novocaine is wearing off and I realize the pain is still there and still as excruciating as it was before he pulled them. So I call him, after hours on his emergency line and I tell him the pain is still there and is still killing me. He then proceeds to RUDELY tell me that if it's pain killers I'm after he isn't giving me anymore so deal with it and hangs up on me. I never wanted their pain killers. They didn't work anyway. I just wanted to be fixed and out of pain. All I could do was cry.

Now granted, he couldn't have known that my problem was TN, and I'm sure in his line of work he runs into a lot of junkies ( I suffered because of the junkies plenty of times, not just with him.) but he still could have been nicer about it. :shrug:

Even though none of them could have known....There's a few doctors around that I stay away from because of the way they treated my during my TN ordeal, and Dr. Z is one of them.

I'm sure under normal circumstances the guy is great.


Dr. Z was one of the oral surgeons I saw before I knew that the excruciating pain I was having was Trigeminal Neuralgia. Before I was diagnosed with the TN I was convinced my pain was coming from my wisdom teeth. So, Dr. Z. put me to sleep and pulled them. He was great to me at that time.

I get home and the novocaine is wearing off and I realize the pain is still there and still as excruciating as it was before he pulled them. So I call him, after hours on his emergency line and I tell him the pain is still there and is still killing me. He then proceeds to RUDELY tell me that if it's pain killers I'm after he isn't giving me anymore so deal with it and hangs up on me. I never wanted their pain killers. They didn't work anyway. I just wanted to be fixed and out of pain. All I could do was cry.

Now granted, he couldn't have known that my problem was TN, and I'm sure in his line of work he runs into a lot of junkies ( I suffered because of the junkies plenty of times, not just with him.) but he still could have been nicer about it. :shrug:

Even though none of them could have known....There's a few doctors around that I stay away from because of the way they treated my during my TN ordeal, and Dr. Z is one of them.

I'm sure under normal circumstances the guy is great.

I know or did know Dr. Z on a slightly personal level. Never was I in his professional care. I think you got tangled in a canned response. He seems like a great guy and I have only heard great things about him and His practice.


I went to see Dr. Z yesterday and he's going to care care of my teeth next week. Seems like a great guy. If it seems I'm kissing his azz, I found out someone in his office was on this forum. He asked me if I was the one checking him out. He can hurt me bad, so as far as I'm concerned, he's the greatest dentist ever.:buttkiss::buttkiss:


My 401K is now a 201K
Look, I need valium just to get my teeth cleaned. When I don't have it I sit tense in the chair and cry silently. I don't really have any other phobias.

I can relate, I feel the same way. Dr. Z pulled 4 molars and I didn't feel a thing, he did fantastic work. Highly recommended.


He pulled my 4 teeth around 8 or 8:30 this morning and I just opened a box of jawbeakers. J/K about the jawbreakers. So far, I haven't had to take any meds.:yay: I'll let you know in a couple of hours. So far, hardly any pain. Less than a toothache.


I went to see Dr. Z yesterday and he's going to care care of my teeth next week. Seems like a great guy. If it seems I'm kissing his azz, I found out someone in his office was on this forum. He asked me if I was the one checking him out. He can hurt me bad, so as far as I'm concerned, he's the greatest dentist ever.:buttkiss::buttkiss:


If you are the smokin receptionist at Dr. Z's office :howdy:


New Member
He pulled my 4 teeth around 8 or 8:30 this morning and I just opened a box of jawbeakers. J/K about the jawbreakers. So far, I haven't had to take any meds.:yay: I'll let you know in a couple of hours. So far, hardly any pain. Less than a toothache.

Just remember to ice the jaw or you could end up with a nice dark bruise if any of the teeth were impacted. Apparently I didn't ice one side enough and it looked like someone had landed a mean punch to the jaw.:jameo:


Just remember to ice the jaw or you could end up with a nice dark bruise if any of the teeth were impacted. Apparently I didn't ice one side enough and it looked like someone had landed a mean punch to the jaw.:jameo:

Only 1 was impacted so I'm lucky there. I took a 600mg ibuprofin around a half an hour ago and dammed if I don't feel pretty good. Maybe we can go out for that steak dinner tonight.


Dr. Z was awesome to me during my wisdom teeth extraction. IV in, count down from 100...I only remember 98 and the next thing I know, it's time to go home.

I had a billing issue with him afterwards and paid in full with a note stating I didn't understand why I was being billed when insurance should have picked up the tab. He called me personally and had the matter resolved within 15 minutes and refunded my money.

Also, for the ladies, he is a piece of eye candy as well. He can put me to sleep anytime :biggrin:


Obama destroyed America
Just remember to ice the jaw or you could end up with a nice dark bruise if any of the teeth were impacted. Apparently I didn't ice one side enough and it looked like someone had landed a mean punch to the jaw.:jameo:
Are you her? Who you like better, Me or Pete?

:gossip: he :gossip: raspberry :gossip: :faint:


:buttkick: I saw her first. :burning:

Hello smokin hot office manager :howdy:

Are you her? Who you like better, Me or Pete?

:gossip: he :gossip: raspberry :gossip: :faint:

Hate to break the news to you two coneheads, but if it's the same one I'm thinking about, She's Mrs. Dr. Z. All kidding aside though, all of the females in his office are HOT:hot:. The guys that helps him could be considered good looking too.(No I'm not ghey, just a bone for the ladies)


Hate to break the news to you two coneheads, but if it's the same one I'm thinking about, She's Mrs. Dr. Z. All kidding aside though, all of the females in his office are HOT:hot:. The guys that helps him could be considered good looking too.(No I'm not ghey, just a bone for the ladies)

I am sure I am not talking about Mrs. Dr. Z. that is my story anyway.