Drinking -vs- Texting?

Driving while impaired vs Texting

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It seems like every time I turn on the news, there is a report of another tragic death of a teen age driver.
As an owner of a body shop, the stories I hear of teen age drivers hitting my customers has multiplied by 10 in the last couple of years.

Today.. I was slapped right in the face with exactly what the problem is when a teen age girl chased me back into the shop today with her car.
I am located in the middle of the north and south bound lanes of rt 5 in the intersection of rt 236.

Today a young lady talking on a cell phone while driving turned right heading north in the south bound lane of rt 5 into on coming traffic.
Right in front of my shop.
As I was witnessing this act of stupidity, I started waving my arms and screaming at her that shes going the wrong way.
No luck , she just kept yakking on the phone with out a care in the world or regards for any one else.
Apparently the traffic light on rt 6 just turned green as she turned right on rt 5 in the south bound lanes.
As she is heading north about 20 to 30 cars met her head on heading south. Everyone is slamming on brakes, swerving to the left and to the right trying to get away from her.

While this is going on I'm in total shock of what I'm seeing.
Nooooooooooooo! Not that she is going the wrong way,but because,.... believe it or not I see this act of stupidity at least once a week.
But it's the fact that this dumb ass young b!tch never stopped talking on the phone.
She kept talking like nothing even happened during the whole incident.
Luckily no one hit her and all the cars had cleared, so as I stand there with my arms in the air screaming WTF is wrong with you, she flips a U turn heading towards me still talking on the cell and all most runs me over.

Like I said at the start of this thread..It all hit me.. The things my customers have been saying..This dumb little b!tch and the friends of mine that are tow truck drivers.

It's text messaging.. These kids use up their phone minutes or don't want to use them up so they text and read text while driving.
This is why they are running down into ditches, mail boxes, trees, off the road, into on coming traffic, into the backs of other cars and so on.

And to top it off they are speeding while texting.
There is not a doubt in my mind that text messaging and cell phones in general is the major contributor to teen age accidents, and adults too.

DWI and DUI laws where passed to protect the general public because of deaths and to protect us from un necessary harm.

Now I don't know about the rest of you... but I'm more comfortable driving on the road with people that have had a few drinks than I am with people text messaging and reading navigation devices.

Fact is! At least the person under the influence is looking where they are going and paying attention to what they are doing.

Personally I believe that people texting should be subject to the same penalties and fines as the person having a couple of drinks.


you can only be good drinking and driving if you learn to drive while under the influence.

Hey G maybe you are just gettin old. We did not have cell phones when we were kids but everyone seemed to bend up the sheet metal still.


J.F. A sus ordenes!
"Personally I believe that people texting should be subject to the same penalties and fines as the person having a couple of drinks."

So burn the talkers and the texters and the women putting on make up and and and and and.........................

Sounds a bit extreme to treat a person texting like drunk driver or influenced driver. I am sure that a typical "fail to whatever" will suffice. Why don't we concentrate on the people will multiple DUI/DWI's that are still on the road. Seems like thats where the efforts should be made.


"Personally I believe that people texting should be subject to the same penalties and fines as the person having a couple of drinks."

So burn the talkers and the texters and the women putting on make up and and and and and.........................

Sounds a bit extreme to treat a person texting like drunk driver or influenced driver. I am sure that a typical "fail to whatever" will suffice. Why don't we concentrate on the people will multiple DUI/DWI's that are still on the road. Seems like thats where the efforts should be made.

everybody deserves a second chance and maybe a third and a fourth....

Don't make me put you in time out:evil:

Wait a minute I think this fread is because G got turned down when he asked her for some of dat sweet yung tang:killingme



There's no denying that the recent surge in teen auto deaths is directly related to the increase in cell phone use while driving...is there?



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I was actually in a vehicle with an ADULT who was texting while driving.

You have to wonder what people are thinking.


Lem Putt
But it's the fact that this dumb ass young b!tch never stopped talking on the phone.


It's text messaging.. These kids use up their phone minutes or don't want to use them up so they text and read text while driving.
This is why they are running down into ditches, mail boxes, trees, off the road, into on coming traffic, into the backs of other cars and so on.

How does her talking on the phone prove anything about texting?

Is what she did already illegal? Yes. If we made it more illegal would it suddenly stop? No.

The things people do while distracted are already illegal. Not staying in the lane, driving too slow, driving too fast, not stoppping for lights or signs, driving the wrong way, not signalling, not stopping for school buses or pedestrians, etc. Should we outlaw everything that distracts people in cars, or should we just enforce the current laws? Shall we make eating, talking to passengers, changing the radio station, and reading roadside signs illegal while we're at it?

We don't need more laws, we just need the ones we have to be enforced.


I was actually in a vehicle with an ADULT who was texting while driving.

You have to wonder what people are thinking.

I agree. For awhile I've been giving alot of thought how to make the roads safer for us and the teenage drivers. But quite frankly there is not simple patch. No easy fix. We ALL have to drive safer as a whole, adults are just as guilty of speeding, texting, not paying attention, tailgating, road rage etc... :ohwell:

I was thinking about this this morning driving in... the roads were a bit wet, not sure if it was wet or icy wet, so I was driving the speed limit in my pickup and someone was literally pasted onto my bumper, where I turned they turned, they were following me closer than when I tow the boat and the effect was the same looking at it in rearview mirrors, it looked like I was towing the car. :jet: It wasnt a teenager, it was an adult. :ohwell: Then it dawned on me, he can't see if I'm a teen driver or not (tinted windows), what if I was actually a teen driver trying to follow the speed limit. :shrug: :cussing:

People are azzes and drive like azzes adults just as much are guilty, how do we expect our teens to do otherwise when the adults can't even step up and obey the driving laws and safe driving practices. :shrug: But yet to come down on teenager driving laws now too, etc... seems a bit hypocritical. :shrug: If I was a teendriver trying to obey the laws, I would have been really upset and just said eff it this morning - why bother or in my younger days would have escalated into road rage and me slamming on the breaks. Instead, me being older and wiser just tried to ignore the idiot and hoped a deer or something didn't run out in front of me.

Its very discouraging as someone trying to be a safe driver to have idiots tailgate you for NOT speeding and on what could be slippery roads. I encounter idiots like this quite frequently and adults are just as careless as teenagers. How do we expect them to "get it" unless we as a community, as a whole, can set a good example. :shrug: We ALL need to step up to the plate. Its tragic when a teen dies from these accidents, but look where they are getting their examples from? This morning mine woudl have been from the idiot tailgater demanding I speed up and possibly loose control of the vehicle. Lets ALL try to drive just a little more safer as a community :clap: :clap:


How does her talking on the phone prove anything about texting?

Is what she did already illegal? Yes. If we made it more illegal would it suddenly stop? No.

The things people do while distracted are already illegal. Not staying in the lane, driving too slow, driving too fast, not stoppping for lights or signs, driving the wrong way, not signalling, not stopping for school buses or pedestrians, etc. Should we outlaw everything that distracts people in cars, or should we just enforce the current laws? Shall we make eating, talking to passengers, changing the radio station, and reading roadside signs illegal while we're at it?

We don't need more laws, we just need the ones we have to be enforced.

Exactly how is someone that is watching the road but has had three or four beers endangering the life of others more so than some jackass text messaging?

Your one of them jackasses aren't you?


J.F. A sus ordenes!
How does her talking on the phone prove anything about texting?

Is what she did already illegal? Yes. If we made it more illegal would it suddenly stop? No.

The things people do while distracted are already illegal. Not staying in the lane, driving too slow, driving too fast, not stoppping for lights or signs, driving the wrong way, not signalling, not stopping for school buses or pedestrians, etc. Should we outlaw everything that distracts people in cars, or should we just enforce the current laws? Shall we make eating, talking to passengers, changing the radio station, and reading roadside signs illegal while we're at it?

We don't need more laws, we just need the ones we have to be enforced.

Heck maybe we should ban the 4000watt license plate mirror shaking stereos from peoples cars. Hearing impairment could be the latest drama to ditraction while driving.


Heck maybe we should ban the 4000watt license plate mirror shaking stereos from peoples cars. Hearing impairment could be the latest drama to ditraction while driving.


semi-air-horn (not heard!).......

boom! :yahoo::lmao:


Lem Putt
That goes along with fat and lazy!

Well gumbo, there's your argument. Is Tom as dangerous as someone who is texting? Worse or better? When he's driving along with a BAC of .36, is he more or less dangerous than somebody texting?

So Tom, when was the last time you drove with a BAC below .08? High School?


New Member
Well gumbo, there's your argument. Is Tom as dangerous as someone who is texting? Worse or better? When he's driving along with a BAC of .36, is he more or less dangerous than somebody texting?

So Tom, when was the last time you drove with a BAC below .08? High School?

First, never blew a .36.

Have you ever driven after a few?


New Member
I hate to admit it but I text while driving... And in no way am I saying that its right... Just that I am not afraid of saying that I am one of those dumb azzes that do it ... Maybe Dr phil can help me... :lmao:
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J.F. A sus ordenes!
I hate to admit it but I text while driving... And in no way am I saying that its right... Just that I am not afraid of saying that I am one of those dumb azzes that do it ... Maybe Dr phil can help me... :lmao:

You are not alone but I usually don't do it in traffic. Wait for those long empty stretches.