Drive by in LP city???

TWLs wife

New Member
sdm said:
where were you TWLs wife didn't you hear the shots? it sounded like firecrackers! about 8 or 9 loud pops in a row......and within mins the street was taped off and traffic was parked all along suburban drive.....i have never seen so many people in suburban at one time....everyone was outside for hours...
No, I thought kids were doing firecrackers again. Like they do all the time around here. A neightbor did firecrackers this morning to another neightbor this morning after the bus picked up my son. We were in the house watching TV. I was watching the news & cooking dinner.
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kwillia said:
Hmmm... I walk the dog twice a week at the governmental center while my daughter does practice... I have been tempted to go up to the outside camera where you work and do :neener: and :razz: just to see if it's you working. :coffee:

Come on you know, you were tempted to juggle.


I bowl overhand
Damn shame they weren't better shots and didn't kill each other.

Oh wait, is the Trailer Park a gun free zone??