Drive-by porn new hazard for drivers



Originally posted by vraiblonde
Amazing that a 20 year old has more common sense than a 35 year old, isn't it?
37 tyvm! This is the same Government regulation that Ms. Vrai is always so worried about. Just read Toxick's post! Next thing ya know, porn will be illegal because someone might walk past your window and catch a glimpse.

He!! They may even outlaw sex again! Forcing us all to pay a tax and receive Fornication Under Consent of the King placards before we do the deed. :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by Kain99
He!! They may even outlaw sex again! Forcing us all to pay a tax and receive Fornication Under Consent of the King placards before we do the deed. :rolleyes:

I'd prefer to use the acronym but it might offend someone.


Re: I don't...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
...believe this.

Go to survey...I shall post a poll.
Not certain that I completely understand your post. I will assume that you cannot believe my stance on the subject.

Let me break it down for ya. First decision we need to make is wether or not we are FOR or AGAINST Government control. Since it has already been widely established that you and your wife are against the notion I shall proceed.

Feelings regarding Government regulation and control in our personal lives is an across the board, black or white issue. It sucks but you can't stand for it in one instance and against it in another. (That wouldn't make any sense.)

I know exactly, how you both feel! I just had to bite this same bullet on the issue of Gay marriage. Our society is not a moral and ethical one.

We are falling away from all of the ideals held by our founding fathers that's what happens when you make your own rules and shun control.

Can't expect control over pervs in their vehicles if you don't expect control over public changes in the laws regarding marriage in this land. It just doesn't make any sense.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
We have rules concerning...

...public accomodation.

Noise ordanances.

Public nudity.

Trash rules.

It is perfectly fine, to me, to restict what someone is watching in their car if the public can see it. Pull a damn shade.


Re: We have rules concerning...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
...public accomodation.

Noise ordanances.

Public nudity.

Trash rules.

It is perfectly fine, to me, to restict what someone is watching in their car if the public can see it. Pull a damn shade.
And it is perfectly fine with me that our President is taking a stance against Gay marriage! Can't get much more public than that. :frown:


Hmmmm....since this mobile porn watching is such a common occurance....we need a law against it:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
No we don't...

...people just would be happier if they gave a damn, jsut a little damn, about their fellow citizens.

I listen to music loud enough to make your ears ring BUT I turn it WAY down at stop lights or when going through town slowly.

A DVD screen in the passenger visor says to some people "Hey! I can watch whatever I want and I don't care who sees it!"

Some people enjoying being annoying.


Dude I understand where you are coming from, really, but some people just need to learn that they always can't have it their way.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
I for one wouldn't watch it because I'd be self-conscious.

I may be a perv, but I don't want everyone else to know. :lmao:


Re: No we don't...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
Some people enjoying being annoying.
Yep! And some people want to be Pro-Abortion and Pro- Gay Marriage and ignore the obvious issue that if you want your cake you may not eat it! Want a Free society? Live in a Free society. :wink:


Re: Re: No we don't...

Originally posted by Kain99
Yep! And some people want to be Pro-Abortion and Pro- Gay Marriage and ignore the obvious issue that if you want your cake you may not eat it! Want a Free society? Live in a Free society. :wink:



Asperger's Poster Child
Wouldn't this situation already be covered by public nudity laws? I think Larry's right--some people are just looking to annoy others. Why the hell would any rational person want to look at porn while they're driving, anyway? What are they going to do, JO behind the wheel and cause a highway accident?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

but some people just need to learn that they always can't have it their way.

With a little luck, we've all learned we can't have our way long before we know what dirty movies are.

Like I said in the other thread, this is gonna be a rare thing anyone. The vast majority of parents who have to deal with this are simply gonna BE parents and say "Well, kids, there's another fine example of what we don't do."


Originally posted by Tonio
JO behind the wheel and cause a highway accident?
That happens without porn..... Thank God we live in a country where all of this is possible! :wink:


Originally posted by Kain99
That happens without porn..... Thank God we live in a country where all of this is possible! :wink:

Not for long....ya know...


Football addict
Re: Re: We have rules concerning...

Originally posted by Kain99
And it is perfectly fine with me that our President is taking a stance against Gay marriage! Can't get much more public than that. :frown:

Too bad it will never pass:wink: