Drug Testing for Public Assistance?


Routinely Derailed
You know, there a thousands of 'dead head' miles of Air Force flights across this country in which a transport plane flies essentially empty back to their home base. There are hundreds of thousands of 'dead head' miles by commercial trucking companies returning to their home stations.

All it would take is for the Department of Labor (a misnomer if ever there was one) to coordinate with those with empty seats to move unemployable in Florida or New Hampshire to jobs in New Mexico, or Utah. The DoL is aware of jobs which go unfilled or filled by illegals. They should be using the citizens whose welfare is about to run out to full these jobs and soon the illegals would decide it's better to return home than to sit on the streets doing nothing.

Of course this requires the U.S. government to stop (1) recognizing anchor babies as U.S. citizens (2) giving unemployed illegals any benefits (3) codling the illegals anywhere in the U.S. (which includes asylum seekers, visa overstayers, and those we currently house in our prisons).

Good idea - that would help with part of it. There are still other relocation issues, but this idea isn't without merit.


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
Good idea - that would help with part of it. There are still other relocation issues, but this idea isn't without merit.

And there a lot of empty boxcars just ambling across the country waiting to have stock to carry.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
As long as we bail out multi millionaire executives and huge corporations for screwing up, big time, AND think it's a good idea, I really don't know how we expect poor people to ever not feel entitled.

I would agree with ending welfare altogether but, again, how do you justify it when we, readily, give so much to the best among us, rewarding their poor choices, yet argue that the least of us are, somehow, a bigger problem? The simple answer is we can't justify it. We make these enormous mistakes, the wars, Med Part D, massive enlargement of government, the bail outs, TARP, all rewarding bad ideas. There is no way to make that OK in context of saying to poor folks "Too bad for you. Make better decisions." If a Goldman Sachs executive were sitting in the gutter next to some bum, having lost it all because he screwed up, enormously, then, we got an argument. When we hand him millions for his poor behavior, AND argue it was the thing to do...

Further, if we're gonna start to turn things around somewhere, do we start with the least of us or those who have been rewarded for putting that guy in the street?


Routinely Derailed
And there a lot of empty boxcars just ambling across the country waiting to have stock to carry.

Okay - from which era did you get that idea? The Depression in the U.S., or the genocide in Germany? No offense meant. The fact is that jobs really ARE scarce right now. And lots of people are getting by on whatever they have, until it's too late to relocate, hoping that one of the very many applications will yield the job needed. I think our "friends" in the media and the Dem-controlled administration are downplaying or ignoring the real situation.

As for the Welfare Plantation dwellers most of us think of, moving them would just move (and spread) the problem.
No drugs while on public assistance. Also, no alcohol, tobacco, big gulps, fatty foods, or red meat. While we're at it, make them go to church, vote Democrat, diet, and exercise.

Maybe then the 47% will realize that they truly are victims.