Drunk Faster?


Time for a nap
So, today at the doctor's office, they took a bunch of blood for tests...

I've had a glass of wine and already feel tipsy. Is it easier to get drunk if I have less blood running through me?

I'm a quart low and a little buzzed... :lmao:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
CityGrl said:
So, today at the doctor's office, they took a bunch of blood for tests...

I've had a glass of wine and already feel tipsy. Is it easier to get drunk if I have less blood running through me?

I'm a quart low and a little buzzed... :lmao:
If there is less blood, the percentage of alcohol is higher, yes, you will be drunker faster.


Lovin' being Texican
Dymphna said:
If there is less blood, the percentage of alcohol is higher, yes, you will be drunker faster.

By now the blood volume would have normalized from fluids you took in by mouth and from the space between the cells. No, by this evening, one glass of wine would not have gotten you drunker faster.


Occasional User
CityGrl said:
So, today at the doctor's office, they took a bunch of blood for tests...

I've had a glass of wine and already feel tipsy. Is it easier to get drunk if I have less blood running through me?

I'm a quart low and a little buzzed... :lmao:

I always find this to be true when I donate blood. I don't know that a few test tubes of blood would make a difference, but the every-other-month-one-pint donation sure seems to give me a lower tolerance.

And honey, I don't think they took a quart.