'Drunk sex appeal' study


Lawful neutral

The researchers asked them to rate, on a scale of 1 to 7, their sexual attractiveness, originality and sense of humour.

Then, they performed a breathaliser test on each subject. After crunching the numbers, Bègue and his team found a clear correlation – the drunker you are, the sexier you think you are.

The conclusion? Once again, a group of men given a series of genuinely alcoholic drinks, end up regarding themselves as veritable George Clooneys, in comparison to a group given lemonade, whose self-esteem didn’t change.
My sis and I took my (17 at the time) year old daughter to the 9:30 club in D.C. last December to see a band we all loved and so she could get insight into a club experience before we shipped her off to college... THAT was her takeaway for the evening... the more guys drink the sexier and funnier they think they are... it took only a couple hours and the cost of a concert ticket for her to figure that out...:lol:


Lawful neutral
Tonight by 9:00 pm I'll be Casanova. :coffee:

Of course I'll be passed out by 10:00 but whatever. :shrug:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
My sis and I took my (17 at the time) year old daughter to the 9:30 club in D.C. last December to see a band we all loved and so she could get insight into a club experience before we shipped her off to college... THAT was her takeaway for the evening... the more guys drink the sexier and funnier they think they are... it took only a couple hours and the cost of a concert ticket for her to figure that out...:lol:

There is an enormous flaw in your reasoning and that of the study;

...the more guys drink the sexier and funnier they think they are.

It would be more accurate as well as educational, and, in this green age, more efficient thus more planet friendly, were we to say;

the more guys drink the less they think.

The lesson you gave your daughter, the answer was correct but, the math, the formula, was off. I think it's a difference worth knowing. :buddies:


I didnt know that it was possible for me to be even more sexy and funny, but I guess you can improve on perfection. :dance:
There is an enormous flaw in your reasoning and that of the study;

It would be more accurate as well as educational, and, in this green age, more efficient thus more planet friendly, were we to say;

The lesson you gave your daughter, the answer was correct but, the math, the formula, was off. I think it's a difference worth knowing. :buddies:
She is a scientist and a math whiz... she's been on her own at college for about a month now and has txt'd me about several bands she's seen at various establishments near the college so I am positive she's recalculated the equation and restated her hypothesis by now...:lol:
I didnt know that it was possible for me to be even more sexy and funny, but I guess you can improve on perfection. :dance:

Actually hit the hamper with your dirty divies tonight when you get home and I'll bet your wife finds you ravishing! :smoochy:
:love: Will you make me some icing to put on her?
STOP! STOP! STOP! :lalala:

True story: I was at a family cookout and happened upon my mother telling the story of how she loves McKay's whipped icing so she went to McKay's and bought just icing and came home and suprised my dad with her kinky idea... she went into waaaay more detail than I just did but now I'm scarred for life...:bawl: You should delete your post so I don't have to ever read it again...:bawl:
STOP! STOP! STOP! :lalala:

True story: I was at a family cookout and happened upon my mother telling the story of how she loves McKay's whipped icing so she went to McKay's and bought just icing and came home and suprised my dad with her kinky idea... she went into waaaay more detail than I just did but now I'm scarred for life...:bawl: You should delete your post so I don't have to ever read it again...:bawl:



Lawful neutral
STOP! STOP! STOP! :lalala:

True story: I was at a family cookout and happened upon my mother telling the story of how she loves McKay's whipped icing so she went to McKay's and bought just icing and came home and suprised my dad with her kinky idea... she went into waaaay more detail than I just did but now I'm scarred for life...:bawl: You should delete your post so I don't have to ever read it again...:bawl:


I walked in on my grandparents "wrestling" :mad:


Registered User
STOP! STOP! STOP! :lalala:

True story: I was at a family cookout and happened upon my mother telling the story of how she loves McKay's whipped icing so she went to McKay's and bought just icing and came home and suprised my dad with her kinky idea... she went into waaaay more detail than I just did but now I'm scarred for life...:bawl: You should delete your post so I don't have to ever read it again...:bawl:

Now that the kids are adults, my husband and I make dirty sexual innuendo jokes in front of the kids just to mess with them..my son runs away screaming, "My ears! My eyes! My brain!" :killingme

Larry Gude

Strung Out
She is a scientist and a math whiz... she's been on her own at college for about a month now and has txt'd me about several bands she's seen at various establishments near the college so I am positive she's recalculated the equation and restated her hypothesis by now...:lol:

Good! I just wanted to make sure you knew she was trusting you and your sister for basic universal truths.

Good! I just wanted to make sure you knew she was trusting you and your sister for basic universal truths.

She hears my perspectives, opinions and views and contemplates them but often comes to her own conclusions.... for example she hates fake plants even though I can give a bazillion reasons why fake is better... sometimes I swear I don't even know her...:mad:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
She hears my perspectives, opinions and views and contemplates them but often comes to her own conclusions.... for example she hates fake plants even though I can give a bazillion reasons why fake is better... sometimes I swear I don't even know her...:mad:

Hmm...then, quite possibly, she learned NOTHING from you at the 9:30?



STOP! STOP! STOP! :lalala:

True story: I was at a family cookout and happened upon my mother telling the story of how she loves McKay's whipped icing so she went to McKay's and bought just icing and came home and suprised my dad with her kinky idea... she went into waaaay more detail than I just did but now I'm scarred for life...:bawl: You should delete your post so I don't have to ever read it again...:bawl:

Do you want me to tell you about the whipped cream, pineapple slices and peanut butter?


Well-Known Member
STOP! STOP! STOP! :lalala:

True story: I was at a family cookout and happened upon my mother telling the story of how she loves McKay's whipped icing so she went to McKay's and bought just icing and came home and suprised my dad with her kinky idea... she went into waaaay more detail than I just did but now I'm scarred for life...:bawl: You should delete your post so I don't have to ever read it again...:bawl:

Go Kwillia's Mom! :clap:


Salt Life
True story: I was at a family cookout and happened upon my mother telling the story of how she loves McKay's whipped icing so she went to McKay's and bought just icing and came home and suprised my dad with her kinky idea... she went into waaaay more detail than I just did but now I'm scarred for life...:bawl:

:killingme :roflmao: