Duck! Exploding Truth Bomb Incoming!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
They will have to vote a lot of times after 2:00 AM, again.
Not really necessary when the state allows 14 days after the election for their ballots to arrive (they supposedly need to be postmarked by election day, but it is also known that bulk postage paid mailings aren't required to be postmarked by USPS).


Well-Known Member
Not really necessary when the state allows 14 days after the election for their ballots to arrive (they supposedly need to be postmarked by election day, but it is also known that bulk postage paid mailings aren't required to be postmarked by USPS).
Good. Lots of time for them to check the obits to gather votes.


Well-Known Member
Trump had the migrant problem practically solved.
If we needed more people for jobs it could have easily come from legal crossings.
She is complaining about a lot of the free goodies that are gone because illegals are taking that money, but she isn't realizing that jobs are also going.. Did Tyson just fire Americans so they could hire thousands of illegals? While the democrat are busy asking for unreasonable minimum wage money for Americans they are letting companies hire cheap illegals. How many of those are paying taxes?