DUI license plates

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's nothing...

Railroad said:
:yeahthat: Incredible.

...a few years ago the Post did a piece on DUI's. One guy has 16, SIXTEEN arrests and convictions and STILL drives. The judges keep him out of jail arguning it's better that he go to work and provide for his family, which, apparently he does do...when not drinking and driving.

Maryland has an unusual problem and it's because of guys like Rep. Valario (a defense lawyer) and all the little loops they put in the law.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
Maryland has an unusual problem and it's because of guys like Rep. Valario (a defense lawyer) and all the little loops they put in the law.

Amen on the Valario thing, that's who my ex uses, and I swear to goodness he could kill a whole building full of people and walk away.....


New Member
I'm thinkin' there'd be a spike in thefts of "non-DUI" plates from cars. Especially on Friday and Saturday nights.

Plates will not prevent a repeat offender from offending again. The Interlock system is the way to go.


Well I would just get my wife who has no DUI's to register the damn car.

Make it 3 strikes and your out (manditory 5 years in jail with no parole) and that would do much more. #### MD doesnt jail people for killing someone.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
He should have a card...

Tina2001aniT said:
Amen on the Valario thing, that's who my ex uses, and I swear to goodness he could kill a whole building full of people and walk away.....

...a business card:

"Dear Occifer, I am a *hic* client of misstt....mmm...that Valerio guy. *hic*...save us all some time...vvvrrrrrr....and point me towards the nearest liquor store...Thank *hic* you!"

Larry Gude

Strung Out
When a judge is looking...

czygvtwkr said:
Well I would just get my wife who has no DUI's to register the damn car.

Make it 3 strikes and your out (manditory 5 years in jail with no parole) and that would do much more. #### MD doesnt jail people for killing someone.

...at an otherwise fully functioning human being; holds a job, pays his bills, has a family to support, rent to pay, they find it REAL tough to lock people up for serious time over just being drunk.

You can't punish someone for what they might do; crash and kill innocent people.