Duke Lacrosse coach quits.....


What's it 2 U
Just a little insight from a NC native. Just from talking to friends on this issue, reading the papers and hearing the news reports and from my experience of the 20 so years I lived near where all this is taking place. Duke is a wealthy, "high class", prestigous University. I don't know if admissions have changed over the years since I went to NCSU but was common knowledge that you have to score higher on SAT's and overall GPA to get into Duke than any other University or College in that surrounding area, which includes UNC, NCSU, NC Central, St. Aug, and Shaw University, the latter 3 being HBCU's. The uproar come from the fact that these players at Duke have been known to have a "I'm better than anyone else attitude" couple that with the fact that the alledged victim (an escort hired to strip for these guys) is also a student at NC Central. These two campus sit in the heart of Durham, maybe 10 minutes from each other. The Duke side is of course more affluent and there has always been some race tensions between the two. The students and staff at Central are complaining that regardless of her chosen profession, she was also a student and they don't want this pushed under the rug, because she is a stripper from NC Central University. They are holding vigils and demanding that she receive the same respect and investigation as if is were a white Duke Student -- there word, not mine.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
I don't know a lot about Duke except that they have a good basketball team (unless that's some other college I'm thinking of :lol: ). The whole story just seems disjointed to me, and I'm not ready to pull out my pitchfork just yet.

...I'm with you in wondering just how serious all this is, especially with no arrests made to this point. I figure the kids got out of hand, pizzed off the dancers and things went from there. We'll see if there was an actual crime.

BUT these are the elite of the elite (Duke) in terms of the image of the student/athelete and you can NOT get in trouble for this kind of stuff there.