Dull ache in my left testicle


Nothing to see here
For the past week my left testicle has been aching every morning when I wake up. My abdomen is also hurting this morning. It is a pain like I was punched. Every once in a while my left leg will hurt too but this hasn't been constant like the testicle pain. I called to make a Dr appt but she can't see me until next week. For now Im just using a bag of frozen corn to ice it down.

Anyone else ever have this issue?

Are you Brett Farve??


New Member
You better get that left nut checked. The left nut seems especially important to men for some reason....more so than the right. I don't think I have ever heard a man say, bite my right nut, always the left. :shrug:


You better get that left nut checked. The left nut seems especially important to men for some reason....more so than the right. I don't think I have ever heard a man say, bite my right nut, always the left. :shrug:

it hangs lower..........:yay:..and really, cums up........:lol:


New Member
Im leaving now, hopefully I will get an answer by the end of the day.

‘Blue balls’ of love
Sexual arousal that does not terminate in ejaculation can cause congestion in the sperm carrying tubes, resulting in a dull aching sensation in the testicle. This is sometimes referred to as ‘blue balls’, which is inconvenient but entirely harmless. The pain disappears within a few hours anyway, although some men relieve the discomfort through masturbation.


Jam out with ur clam out
‘Blue balls’ of love
Sexual arousal that does not terminate in ejaculation can cause congestion in the sperm carrying tubes, resulting in a dull aching sensation in the testicle. This is sometimes referred to as ‘blue balls’, which is inconvenient but entirely harmless. The pain disappears within a few hours anyway, although some men relieve the discomfort through masturbation.

Im sure thats what the Doc. told him as well ... as the Doc steps out of the room and tells all the nurses and they walk away laughing:killingme:killingme