

American Beauty
PREMO Member
PJumper said:

Don't judge him just yet. There are some people who act differently with the loss of a love one. Some are afraid to show their emotions because it shows their vulnerability, while some are afraid to face the reality that they too, could be in that casket one day.

My condolences.


PREMO Member
So sorry for the loss of your mother.

I, myself hate funerals.
I would rather remember the person who past away in my mind, then to go to a funeral with an open casket.

It all started when I was young and the passing of my Grandmother. She was an awesome lady, but seeing her lay there in the casket I want to shake her and try to wake her up.


PREMO Member
poster said:
Unfortunately your sister will have to answer the "where's your son" question a thousand times, "
Why would somebody ask such a rude question at a funeral?

It doesn't happen.
And if it does, you reply back that he could not make it.


I'm sorry for your loss. :frown: :huggy:

I am also sorry that your nephew isn't considerate enough to even make time for his own Grandmothers funeral. I've been there, my Father didn't go to his own Mother or his own Sisters Funerals and blamed it on work as well. I wish I could explain why, but I cannot. I can only agree with you and others who have posted in this thread that they are the ones who will have to face it in the end. I know that we all deal with death in our own way, but there are very few circumstances that are acceptable enough reasons not to make it to such a close family members final farewell, and work is not one of them.


DoWhat said:
Why would somebody ask such a rude question at a funeral?

It doesn't happen.
And if it does, you reply back that he could not make it.
Trust me, when my Father didn't show up for his Mother or his Sisters funerals, I got questioned about his where abouts a million times... It happens.


PREMO Member
Angel said:
Trust me, when my Father didn't show up for his Mother or his Sisters funerals, I got questioned about his where abouts a million times... It happens.
Like you said in your prior post.
People deal with death differently.
If it was up to me,I would never attend another funeral in my life.
Because I want to remember them while they were living, and not having my last memory of them laying in a casket.

But I go to keep other people happy.


DoWhat said:
And what was your response to their question?
Honestly, I was too upset at both funerals to remember my exact response to all the people who asked me the question, but for the most part I remember just saying, "I don't know". Him having to work as an excuse made me sick to my stomach, so I played dumb to his lame excuse, it was much easier. The hardest person I had to answer to was my Grandfather, who wanted to know why his own Son wasn't there, both times. That cut like a knife.


PREMO Member
Angel said:
Honestly, I was too upset at both funerals to remember my exact response to all the people who asked me the question, but for the most part I remember just saying, "I don't know". Him having to work as an excuse made me sick to my stomach, so I played dumb to his lame excuse, it was much easier. The hardest person I had to answer to was my Grandfather, who wanted to know why his own Son wasn't there, both times. That cut like a knife.
Have you ever asked your Dad how he feels about death?

My Mom knows me, I still show up.
But she knows that I am very uncomfortable about it.


Does my butt look big?
I dont do funerals either..I have only been to one and I wont go to another..I did not go to my fathers (I was a kid) I as an adult did not go to my grandmothers and I could not have loved anyone more then my grandmother..I did though take my daughter and go see her before she passed and we talked and she knew I was there with her great grand child...my cousin did not go see her before her death but went to the funeral..she was in Fla and I spent my money to see her alive she knew I loved her...same with my step father I went and saw him in the hospital but did not go to the funeral..when mom passes I dont even think I will have a funeral (is that possible?)


Pasofever said:
I dont do funerals either..I have only been to one and I wont go to another. When mom passes I dont even think I will have a funeral (is that possible?)

Of course it is. However, you will still have to pay for the embalming/casket/vault/plot or cremation.

If my family has a funeral for me I will haunt them. They know what I want, and a funeral service/viewing is not a part of it. Anyone who doesn't want to be a part of sprinkling my ashes is completely understood, and I do believe my family will understand.

Funerals suck. Wakes can be fun: If they have alcohol and great food.

Mike? People have given you a lot of insight here and you saw that many postings ago.

I'm sorry for your loss. All endings lead to new beginnings and as long as we can breathe, we don't stop learning.


New Member
Wenchy said:
Of course it is. However, you will still have to pay for the embalming/casket/vault/plot or cremation.

My entire family knows to shove me in a cardboard box and cremate me at the cheapest place they can find. Everyone sitting around staring at the hunk of meat that was me just doesn't seem like a fitting way to send me off.

They spent like $17,000 on my grandfather's funeral. You could send my entire family to Europe to toss my ashes off the Eiffel Tower or something crazy for that kind of money. Dump it in the Great Pyramid in Egypt. SOMETHING.