dumped kittens


Ummmmm ....
Well has anyone taken the kittens? I wish I could take them but there is just no way. So I guess while everyone sits here pissing and moaning and each other......the kittens still need a home. Please let us know if someone is helping you find a home or rescue for them.

Inky - is that you?


New Member
Inky Dinky this....LOL I think you all are to wrapped up in this inky dink person. Move on....help find the kittens a home. And you should have that tongue checked....looks like there is something on it.....yeah right there. lol:razz:


Does my butt look big?
Inky Dinky this....LOL I think you all are to wrapped up in this inky dink person. Move on....help find the kittens a home. And you should have that tongue checked....looks like there is something on it.....yeah right there. lol:razz:

:gossip: told me you had an Inky Dinky :whistle:


New Member
Let us know if you were able to find the kittens a home or rescue. It is very nice that you are trying to do this for them.


Ummmmm ....
Well, Inky's been on the board for the last few days ... so I'm guessing that she just doesn't want to help Appendix.