

Nannypams son
Go Birds !!!

Fly Eagles Fly​

T.O. is a pimple on the ass of the NFL. :moon: These people are getting paid to "play a game". Reguardless of how good they are, they signed contracts agreeing to play a fregin' game for XXX,XXX,XXX. dollars. This man never cared for who he played for, never cared that he was part of a team, has no respect for fans or coaches. I hope the biggest player on the Eagles knocks T.O. into a permanent state of forever blowing snotbubbles.

Now for a McNabb joke
Why does McNabbs mom put his chunky soup in a cup?

Because if she put it in a BOWL for him, he'd choke :lmao:

Nanny Pam

LmbyNippleChops said:
Fly Eagles Fly​

T.O. is a pimple on the ass of the NFL. :moon: These people are getting paid to "play a game". Reguardless of how good they are, they signed contracts agreeing to play a fregin' game for XXX,XXX,XXX. dollars. This man never cared for who he played for, never cared that he was part of a team, has no respect for fans or coaches. I hope the biggest player on the Eagles knocks T.O. into a permanent state of forever blowing snotbubbles.

Now for a McNabb joke
Why does McNabbs mom put his chunky soup in a cup?

Because if she put it in a BOWL for him, he'd choke :lmao:

:smack: not funny, Ed.


Nannypams son
Scence of humor ?

What's up wit da "not funny Ed"? McNabb is overrated I think as a quarterback. He has a better chance of seeing a toilet bowl than another superbowl

I know you don't want to hear it and this is probibally you right now


but if they loose any more starters, they will have to bring in the water boy

Nanny Pam

LmbyNippleChops said:
What's up wit da "not funny Ed"? McNabb is overrated I think as a quarterback. He has a better chance of seeing a toilet bowl than another superbowl

I know you don't want to hear it and this is probibally you right now


but if they loose any more starters, they will have to bring in the water boy

But your azz will be right in front of the TV...with a bag of popcorn. Making poor Megan run to get you beer.


I know nothing
I somewhat agree with Nipple..... Being a philly boy myself, id rather see Mcnabb focus on football then those stupid chunky commericals. Hey win a superbowl first, then get all the face time and endorcements you want after.

I'll be the first to admit Mcnabbs release sucks. If he's not throwing 50 yrs down field, he cant throw. How many dropped passes have we seen this year because he hits his recievers in the knees.

He needs to play like he did last week. Hold on to the ball more and run your ass off. He's become to predictable.


I know nothing
Sure is quite today....... Thats right the cowboy fans and skins fans have nothing to talk about. Except maybe another loss

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's not true...

LordStanley said:
Sure is quite today....... Thats right the cowboy fans and skins fans have nothing to talk about. Except maybe another loss

...it's just that every time I try to start a post about the Skins, I get a few thousand words in and just can't finish.

I think I'll go make some Kool Aid.