Early Bird The Next Business On The Chopping Block To Be Bought Out!!


New Member
So I understand The Early Bird in Hollywood is being bought out...I think that really stinks..They have great food,they are always busy why would he wanna sell it. Why are all the local businesses being bought out by people who are obviously not from southern maryland????
scratch said:
So I understand The Early Bird in Hollywood is being bought out...I think that really stinks..They have great food,they are always busy why would he wanna sell it. Why are all the local businesses being bought out by people who are obviously not from southern maryland????
Answer Part 1:
Because the people that have been running them forever have decided to pluck the fruits of their labor and spend time doing things they have always wanted to but were too busy running a business to be able to?
Answer Part 2:
Because the people with the $$ to buy the businesses at today's market rates are all investors from outside the area.