Thursday, February 16, 2023
Dr. J. Scott Smith, Superintendent of Schools, 301-475-5511, ext. 32178
Dr. Maureen Montgomery, Deputy Superintendent of Schools, 301-475-5511, ext. 32135
LEONARDTOWN, MD – This morning, February 16, 2023, while a contractor was performing scheduled routine maintenance on the equipment in the boiler room at Evergreen Elementary School, a chemical reaction occurred. The service provider immediately pulled the fire alarm as a precaution and the building was evacuated. The chemical being used was a mild acidic inhibitor which could cause mild skin and eye irritation if directly exposed. No students or staff members were directly exposed. Communications were immediately established with the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to determine any necessary response actions. Power was shut off to prevent further exposure through the school's ventilation system.
It was determined that the necessary cleanup and remediation would continue for approximately two hours. In order to assist with remediation efforts, Evergreen Elementary School will dismiss at 12:30 PM today, with normal bus transportation provided.
St. Mary’s County Public Schools will provide an update following the completion of the cleanup.