Ease Your Tropical Depression


New Member
Mikeinsmd said:

So does she..... You can reach her at 301-895-SCAT

Bring your own pooper scooper there Rover:yay:

Just she's gonna hump the shiat out of you!



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New Member
fttrsbeerwench said:
So does she..... You can reach her at 301-895-SCAT
Bring your own pooper scooper there Rover:yay:Just she's gonna hump the shiat out of you! :lmao:
I'll just keep an eye on her then.... :popcorn:

Why won't it work? :confused:
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jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Mikeinsmd said:
It says my "IMG" code is off. How do I turn it on? It works in the Pound.

Vrai. And you don't have enough :buttkiss: in you to get her to turn it on. :lmao:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Why does it work in the Pound? Is it forum specific?

FD's better at :buttkiss: than you. :shrug: :razz:

:lol: Yes, it is forum specific. I think all the private ones have it enabled and only certain public ones do.