Larry Gude
Strung Out
The ability to watch cams has also been shown on smartphones. CBS did a segment on it a while back.
New reality show.
Staring you. And all of us.
Executive Producer; Uncle Sam
The ability to watch cams has also been shown on smartphones. CBS did a segment on it a while back.
The ability to watch cams has also been shown on smartphones. CBS did a segment on it a while back.
If NSA techs start keeling over at an alarming rate, you'll know they've been charged with monitoring my computer/phone/Kindle: they've died of boredom.
You all must be way more interesting than me because I can't imagine anyone being even remotely interested in my web browsing, phone conversations, or wanting to watch me. I am positive, unless they have unlimited manpower, that any spook org will not waste an agent on my boring ass.
With what I know about electronic communication there is no way in hell I would own on of these. I keep tape over my laptops camera and store my cell phone in a drawer at night too.
So the question is... since the Echo is constantly 'listening', does that audio go no further than the device, or is it constantly streaming it to Amazon or other places? Not knowing enough about the thing, I'm inclined to unplug it until I decide to use it, or know more about it.
Is the drawer a small Faraday Cage?
Not understanding what good putting your phone in a drawer would be..
Threefold, I made a drawer into a charging center for all my devices so it gets them out of the way and keeps things nice and neat, it blocks the camera from seeing anything, and it muffles the sound that the phone gets so makes it much harder to hear conversations etc.
That is really interesting. Could you, please, expand on that, and tell us exactly how you did it? Thanks.
You said you met me a couple of times, so I would have appreciated you telling me how to be more secure with my data. Oh, well.
Well I made my end tables myself, but anything with a drawer can be modified to work. It started off about 12 years ago I built some lamps for my living room in mission style and I put a hidden door in the side and an electrical outlet inside to charge a phone, unfortunately a smart phone does not fit as I made it for a flip phone. It did make things nice and neat however as I have a problem with junking up any horizontal surface in my house.
So I made a wood base about 3 inches wide, and inch deep and 10 inches long, I cut some groves in it that would hold a smart phone and small tablet mostly vertical. I used maple because it is pretty heavy and I wanted it to be stable after finishing it I decided that I needed antiskid on the bottom of it so I applied some self adhesive rubber to the bottom. Then I mounted a power strip inside the drawer, there is a hole in the back of the drawer for the cord to exit and the cord is clamped inside the drawer box with enough slack that the drawer can be pulled out freely. The cord for the power strip exits the back of the end table from a hidden channel that I made.
Any piece of furniture could be modified to work this way. Right now I'm making a kitchen island that I am going to do pretty much the same thing to so I can have LED light strips inside that turn on when you open a door.
Alexa, what other devices are listening to me?