Education Best Form of Reparation, Says Black Scholar



One or the other .........

nomoney said:

call me ignorant but what does an apology have to do with education? :confused:
He goes on to say that freed slaves started out with zero dollars or got into debt to start over and that its led to their decendents being underprivlaged to this day .....ummmm........:confused: I guess none of the "white" indentured servants, none of the chinese/asian slaves, I guess none of those that just came over to this country with nothing but what was on their backs...I guess we're all underprivlaged to this day because of those bastages.
I don't know maybe I'm ignorant on some of this and no I don't believe in any type of slavery, and yes our ancestors were wrong, but life isn't fair-for anyone. Am I reading into this wrong?

Give them Reparations, then do away with set a sides, affirmative action and any other racial based government programs ......... kill it all , then be done with it.



New Member
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
I've had plenty of black people say we owe them for this - these are mostly young blacks who are influenced by BET/MTV/Spike Lee/Sharpton/Jackson.

A survey by H. Mirvis and Donad L. Kanter called "Beyond Demography: A Psychographic Profile of the Workforce" shows 70% of African-Americans meet the profile of "cynic."
IMAGINE THAT! :jet: African-Americans not happy about just about anything. Who'd of thunk it :confused: :sarcasm:

I'm doing a research piece on this now for class.



Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Coventry17 said:
White southerners were stripped of everything following the War of Northern Agression. They were forced to work for slave wages and had to live under an almost tyrannical rule of Northern political appointees who were designated to oversee the "Reconstruction". The implications of the policies in the late 19th century in the Deep South can still be felt today. I don't hear the ancestors of these white Southerners asking for reparations from the Federal government. Personally, I think the President should acknowledge America's history of enslavement and condemn as a black stain on the fabric of our early society. That being said, I don't believe one plug nickel should go to ANY African-American for what happened to their ancestors. Blacks, as well as whites, Hispanics, Asians, etc., have the ability to thrive in today's society. There is racism in America to this day, and there always will be. However, racism is a two way highway with many lanes. I've been the subject of racism, and I'm sure most of the white people on this board can site examples of being the victims of prejudice. Granted, you are more likely to be discriminated against if you are a minority, but in some areas whites ARE the minority (the DC metro area certainly seems to fit that description). People, get some pride and quit holding your palm out wanting a hand out.
Wow! Is the temperature in hell below 32 F? It must be. I agree with this.

Help me.


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
Wow! Is the temperature in hell below 32 F? It must be. I agree with this.

Help me.
Yep, the little demons are ice skating. Oh, and pigs are flying down the invisible school zones. :laughing:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Pete said:
Just them working the "you owe me" mentality they have cultivated. They will keep up the pressure and eventually get what they want. It is the American way. :shrug: 30 years ago the idea of guys blowing each other was universally repugnant, except of course to the blower and blowee, then the lobby started the push to gain acceptance of that lifestyle and now if you are gay, low level liberal politicians can't perform illegal marriages for you fast enough, Hollywood can't push you onto TV fast enough, and you cannot be too flamboyant. Constant steady pressure.

What seems to have escaped them is that free education is available to every American already. All through school I sat next to Leotis Berry and Dezzi Hannah, both black, both in the same public school system as me and other Caucasians. Leotis went into the Navy, got out and last I heard was working for NSA. Dezzi hung out around town, did odd jobs and was eventually shot in a dope deal gone bad.

It is not about race, or reparations, it is about pizz poor personal decisions, lack of personal responsibility, moral laziness, and an addiction to the government and societal teet that is keeping the black man down.


Well Met ........

Coventry17 said:
White southerners were stripped of everything following the War of Northern Agression. They were forced to work for slave wages and had to live under an almost tyrannical rule of Northern political appointees who were designated to oversee the "Reconstruction". The implications of the policies in the late 19th century in the Deep South can still be felt today. I don't hear the ancestors of these white Southerners asking for reparations from the Federal government. Personally, I think the President should acknowledge America's history of enslavement and condemn as a black stain on the fabric of our early society. That being said, I don't believe one plug nickel should go to ANY African-American for what happened to their ancestors. Blacks, as well as whites, Hispanics, Asians, etc., have the ability to thrive in today's society. There is racism in America to this day, and there always will be. However, racism is a two way highway with many lanes. I've been the subject of racism, and I'm sure most of the white people on this board can site examples of being the victims of prejudice. Granted, you are more likely to be discriminated against if you are a minority, but in some areas whites ARE the minority (the DC metro area certainly seems to fit that description). People, get some pride and quit holding your palm out wanting a hand out.

Very well put !!!!!



but then what ?

AndyMarquisLIVE said:


A survey by H. Mirvis and Donad L. Kanter called "Beyond Demography: A Psychographic Profile of the Workforce" shows 70% of African-Americans meet the profile of "cynic."
IMAGINE THAT! :jet: African-Americans not happy about just about anything. Who'd of thunk it :confused: :sarcasm:

I'm doing a research piece on this now for class.


And your no longer a victim then what will you have to ##### about ? :jameo:


Methodically disorganized
Pete said:
What seems to have escaped them is that free education is available to every American already.

It is not about race, or reparations, it is about pizz poor personal decisions, lack of personal responsibility, moral laziness, and an addiction to the government and societal teet that is keeping the black man down.
Everyone else has cheered this, so I'll throw mine in too.

This reminds me of something Sharpton said a few weeks ago when Sean Hannity asked him if he had decided who he would support in the '08 election - Obama or Clinton. Sharpton said he would analyze each candidate's platform and go from there. One of his criterion was if [paraphrased] "inner city youths could receive the training to help them be successful".

I don't think Hannity called him on it, but I immediately thought, "They already have that; it's been around for decades and is called public education."


New Member
hvp05 said:
Everyone else has cheered this, so I'll throw mine in too.

This reminds me of something Sharpton said a few weeks ago when Sean Hannity asked him if he had decided who he would support in the '08 election - Obama or Clinton. Sharpton said he would analyze each candidate's platform and go from there. One of his criterion was if [paraphrased] "inner city youths could receive the training to help them be successful".

I don't think Hannity called him on it, but I immediately thought, "They already have that; it's been around for decades and is called public education."
You haven't read, have you. 70% of black people are cynics! The scientificly-valid survey I had to write a rhetorical analysis on for Soc said so! :jet:

In other words, it doesn't matter what there is, they want more! And 70% is a big number.