Education - Queers - Woke - Unhinged


PREMO Member


Just sneakin' around....
Is it something in the air on the west coast that makes these people insane? Yeah, I know it happens everywhere, just seems the west coast gets spotlighted more often.


PREMO Member

Stunning victory for Vegas mom who sued school district over child's 'pornographic' assignment

They say their unnamed daughter, a student at the Las Vegas Academy of the Arts, was made to perform the monologue written by a fellow student - in which a narrator came out as lesbian and talked about not liking 'd**ks.'

The passage was so lewd that Ms. Evans' microphone was cut off as she read it aloud during a school district board meeting last spring, and she was admonished for violating the board's decorum rules.

During deposition, school administrators also acknowledged that the content was inappropriate, with one saying it 'was not something that I felt should have been there,' and another testifying: 'I do remember the first time I read it, being in shock.

'What was written was not appropriate to be read and performed in a school setting... And so it crossed the boundary,' the administrator said, according to the American Center for Law and Justice, which represented the Evans family in this case.

District officials later decided to settle the suit for $25,000 and the understanding that the district would train Las Vegas Academy of the Arts teachers about its regulations. The district would also not admit any liability in the settlement, KLAS reports.


Well-Known Member
Even when they were in their closets most people knew they were there, but they weren't making asses of themselves.


PREMO Member

He Teaches High School In Stilettos To Create An "Explicitly Queer Space”​



PREMO Member

It's Over - Gino vs Harvard Fake Data Scandal​

tldr - Academic Corruption - woman exposed for FAKING RESEARCH Data, sues to prove her innocence and loses - is also exposed for plagiarism in multiple books she published

I'm guessing her next career will involved fast food or retail