Ehrlich a liberal?


New Member
dems4me said:
You caught her on a bad week due to one of her customers... sorry she has taken it out on you... :poorbaby: You should not of strayed in the first place - don't you know the entire thread of cheating was ALL ABOUT YOU?

Also you should now know that NP is being absolutely ruthless by trying to keep you there using BadGirl's infamous Oatmeal cookie recipie... (stay away from the cookies!!! please!!!! I'll never get you back) :bawl: :drama:
Its the truth Somdcrap!!! :frown: I have no hopes of winning you back from NP armed with baked goods... :drama: :bawl: all I can offer up is grey boiled ribeye chewing gum and and a few butane burger bits scraped of from the siding on the house...:bawl: :drama:

throw in some leftover scrapple and ya got your man back :twitch: i'll be home tonight wear da Dora Dora nightie wif matchin footies otay????? :twitch:


somdcrab said:
throw in some leftover scrapple and ya got your man back :twitch: i'll be home tonight wear da Dora Dora nightie wif matchin footies otay????? :twitch:

Good Lord, it sounds like you are trying to pull a MJ on me...:jet:

If you are hungry, I do have plenty of scrapple and some cheese to put on top :yum: :yum:


New Member
dems4me said:
Good Lord, it sounds like you are trying to pull a MJ on me...:jet:

If you are hungry, I do have plenty of scrapple and some cheese to put on top :yum: :yum:

:notworthy yes'em miz dems i be homes by suppa times :huggy:


somdcrab said:
:notworthy yes'em miz dems i be homes by suppa times :huggy:

Well seeings how you have managed to digress on this entire thread... what is your opinion of Ehrlich :shrug:


dems4me said:
that :banghead: wasn't :banghead: my :banghead: question :banghead:

:neener: It was your FIRST question and Ken answered your second. In response to your karma msg, that is great, good for you. :yay:


New Member
Dems, love your icon...the Irish are great.

Back to the topic at hand, to add to the answer to your question Dems...Democrats generally oppose slots and Republicans, in Maryland at least, generally support them. But it is in no way a partisan issue; there is no distinct polarization on the issue (Gonzales Research shows that 60% of Democrats oppose slots while 70% of Republicans support them). That is not as wide of a gulf as what is seen between the two parties on other issues.


New Member
rraley said:
Dems, love your icon...the Irish are great.

Back to the topic at hand, to add to the answer to your question Dems...Democrats generally oppose slots and Republicans, in Maryland at least, generally support them. But it is in no way a partisan issue; there is no distinct polarization on the issue (Gonzales Research shows that 60% of Democrats oppose slots while 70% of Republicans support them). That is not as wide of a gulf as what is seen between the two parties on other issues.

gonzales :confused: don't he work @ taco bell???? j/k


This Space for Rent
Hey Dems, are the gambling states red or blue? :whistle:

Louisiana=Casinos/Gambling heavy
Just a few there...


New Member
FromTexas said:
Hey Dems, are the gambling states red or blue? :whistle:

Louisiana=Casinos/Gambling heavy
Just a few there...
red lite districts huh :confused: :twitch:


Well-Known Member
Tonio said:
While the author raises some good points, I think he missed the obvious--any Republican governor in Maryland is necessarily going to be somewhat centrist, because he or she has to deal with a Democrat-dominated legislature.
Sounds like the author of that piece works for Kathleen.

Ehrlich is far from liberal but he doesn't have the political savvy to successfully deal with partisans like Busch. I'm afraid he's going to be a one termer if the Dems can dig up a half decent candidate.


New Member
willie said:
Sounds like the author of that piece works for Kathleen.

Ehrlich is far from liberal but he doesn't have the political savvy to successfully deal with partisans like Busch. I'm afraid he's going to be a one termer if the Dems can dig up a half decent candidate.
:yeahthat: :snacks:


Asperger's Poster Child
willie said:
Sounds like the author of that piece works for Kathleen.
You have something there--the writer correctly points out Ehrlich's cutthroat politics, but fails to mention that the Democrats did the same thing hen they controlled the governor's mansion.

I was at the groundbreaking for the Hughesville bypass a few months ago. I think both Ehrlich and Steny Hoyer were acting like children at the event. Ehrlich gives plenty of podium time to Tony O'Donnell, then the only Republican in the Southern Maryland legislative delegation, and I suspect that Ehrlich invited Brad Jewitt just to goad Hoyer. (This was only a week after the general election.) So Hoyer refuses to sit with the other elected officials, and when it's his turn to speak, he lectures Ehrlich about making the event political.