Ehrlich and KKT Square Off? (Must see TV)



Her big "stumble" came when she poudly proclaimed "I have been in charge of crime for eight years... er... anti-crime for... er... I guess you call that a football?" If anyone can please explain to me what the heck she meant by a "football" I would appreciate it.

She also said that "we have air conditioned the old neighborhoods and schools, and we should air condition the new neighborhoods and schools"; and she referred to the attacks on 9/11 and the attacks on 9-1-1. Near the end of the debate she could hardly speak a complete sentence. She would start down one path then she seemed to get confused about where she was going with it, and would switch to another path. Now I know why the Dems say she's like a child when she speaks.

I wasn't thrilled by Ehrlich at the beginning. I was surprised when KaTo tossed out the race card right at the beginning, and I was disappointed when Ehrlich took the bait and started debating race also. That was dumb. For the rest of the debate he kept himself above the little jibes that KaTo made, but he really showed his ass on the race thing.

I don't think that anyone could watch that debate and not see a real difference in the ability of the debaters to build coalitions and concensus. Ehrlich really made an effort to say that he realizes others have different opinions and that he respects those opinions, while KaTo just attacked like a rapid chihuahua.


Asperger's Poster Child
KKT once praised the Ravens for "scoring a football." She was making a joke about her previous gaffe.

In the verbal communications department, I rank KKT on the same level as GWB.

Of course, who am I to criticize their public speaking abilities? Any speech I'd give would be one long fumfuh. I took a speech course in college and hated every minute of it, and I never got over my nervousness.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sorry, Tonio - I watched the whole debate and KKT makes Dubya look like Ronald Reagan. She is almost a complete blithering idiot. I'm convinced she had an earphone on - just the way she was stammering, would look off into space, then stammer out a response.

I figured Ehrlich would be toast because he's a Republican at a black college, fielding questions from the NAACP. But he actually impressed me and did well, despite the booing and catcalls of some of the more uncouth audience members.

Bch, I'll try to find you a transcript. KKT blathers but doesn't say a lot, Ehrlich made some great points. But the real show was watching her lack of poise, the hands on the hips defensiveness, the wicked witch "smile" she kept pasting on. She actually bared her teeth at Ehrlich a few times. Her people need to work with her more to develop some public persona - right now she's terrifically bad at this.

The most impressive thing is that Ehrlich went into enemy territory for this debate - do you suppose KKT would agree to a debate hosted by, say, the local NRA chapter? One of the questioners asked Ehrlich something like, "How do you respond to your terrible voting record on certain minority issues?" Then her question to KKT was , "How do YOU respond to all these terrible things your opponent has done?" Even the moderators laughed about that one.


Hey Vrai, I was wondering if she was using an earpiece because she did seem to be trying to talk and listen at the same time. I thought she was just trying to speak about two or three different thoughts at the same time, but her actions were a lot like when someone is trying to talk while someone is feeding them new thoughts. Did you see anything in her ear?


Asperger's Poster Child
vrai, you have a point about KKT. She seems to lack any poise or polish in her public speaking. Although both KKT and GWB have both made embarrassing verbal gaffes, Bush at least conveys some personality and charisma. Townsend often appears like she'd rather be home reading or watching TV.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The reason I like Ehrlich over KKT isn't simply a matter of Republican vs. Democrat. (Or maybe it is, since KKT's problems are a by-product of being a Democrat)

The reason I won't vote for her is because she lives in her own little, tiny world. The comments she made last night solidified that in my mind.

She can't understand why any black would vote for Ehrlich. That's because the only blacks she sees are the inner city welfare recipients. She doesn't realize that there are black families who are making a good living, living by law and order, in no danger of having their heat turned off in the middle of winter, sending their kids to college just fine. She thinks all blacks live in a Baltimore slum.

She surrounds herself with the liberal faithful and stays clear of the citizens that have a different paradigm than the KKT stereotype. She should get out more and familiarize herself with how the rest of Maryland thinks, not just the cocktail liberals and the inner city blacks.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
... She should get out more and familiarize herself with how the rest of Maryland thinks, not just the cocktail liberals and the inner city blacks.
She won't do that! I'm sure Willie-Don told her all about the "rednecks" in southern and western Maryland and how the "eastern shore is the outhouse of Maryland"


That's because the only blacks she sees are the inner city welfare recipients. She doesn't realize that there are black families who are making a good living, living by law and order, in no danger of having their heat turned off in the middle of winter, sending their kids to college just fine. She thinks all blacks live in a Baltimore slum.

Your right, her speech seemed to classify all black people as poor an incapable of taking care of themselves. That made me MAD. The WHOLE world needs to get off the race kick. There are more important things to be concerned with. I think a mention of race in today's day and age is a slap in the face. Any job applicant should get the job based on QUALIFICATIONS. The mention of race keeps discrimination alive and well; politicians keep race issues alive and well.
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