Election 2022 Issues


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Arizona county was stumped by unregistered voters, old addresses, discrepant tallies, emails reveal

The confusion and uncertainty clouding county election officials' decision-making are revealed in newly released internal emails obtained through a public records request submitted by America First Legal Foundation.

A week after Election Day, Pima County Recorder Gabriella Cazares-Kelly wrote to Pima County Elections Director Constance Hargrove that the Recorder's Office found that 11 unregistered voters had cast provisional ballots but was unsure what to do about them because her office was "not normally in possession of the Provisional Ballots and my team is very opposed to opening them."

In reply, Hargrove sidestepped responsibility, writing to the recorder, "It is your call how you want to handle the provisional ballots."

There was also an issue with poll workers providing voters ballots with their previous rather than current addresses, potentially invalidating their votes.


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After Approving Mass Mail-In Balloting, California Loses 10 Million Ballots In November Midterms

Another concerning figure coming from California’s midterm election cycle is that 10 million ballots still remain unaccounted for, after processing all polling place votes and rejected ballots. The assumption by election officials is that the majority of these ballots were ignored or thrown out by recipients. But such an information gap increases the risk of fraud. As the report notes, “The public cannot know how many ballots were disregarded, delivered to wrong mailboxes, or even withheld from the proper recipient by someone at the same address.”

Unaccounted mail-in ballots are a serious liability for states with all-mail voting. According to data from the federal Election Assistance Commission, 28.3 million mail-in ballots are still missing from elections conducted between 2012 and 2018. While there is no way of knowing whether these missing mail-in ballots were used fraudulently, they still pose a risk to election integrity.

Take ballot harvesting — the practice of third-party organizers collecting ballots from voters and returning them to election offices — for example. States that approve all-mail voting greatly incentivize ballot harvesting, since Democrat doorknockers can coax potential voters to fill out their ballots and hand them over to their newfound Democrat friends on the spot, rather than having to convince voters to do the legwork themselves. Partisan activists may take advantage of such a lax system. And they already do.


PREMO Member

ELECTION SYSTEM DISCOVERED – Used in MULTIPLE States – Internet Connected, Uncertified, and Accessible to Numerous Govt Agencies and Outside Entities

A team of election experts in New Mexico uncovered an election system that is being used in that state and multiple other states that do not comply with election laws.

Election experts in New Mexico established that the post-election canvass reports in all 33 New Mexico Counties are being illegally prepared. Complete election records are being uploaded to an uncertified, centralized software under the control of the Secretary of State (SOS) called SERVIS, which is then used to create the official election results.

Use of any uncertified software for this part of the election process is a violation of federal and state law. And according to state law, the SOS is not to have access to the complete election record from any county until the election has been certified.

According to the experts, when the illegal canvass process is complete the SOS is having counties download election data from internet-connected SERVIS onto their “secure” election computers. At the same time, in New Mexico, Dominion voting systems have deleted the original election data from their system. This is a blatant violation of state and federal law that requires all election records to be kept for 22 months after any election with a federal candidate on the ballot. Also, without paper ballots, the original results for the election are eliminated.


PREMO Member

Signature verification software used by Maricopa County says 10% is 'high-confidence' match

According to 2020 emails between Maricopa County officials and an employee of the county's election technology vendor, Runbeck Election Services, the election firm's Verus Pro application for signature verification ranks signature matches on a scale of 0 to 100. However, only scores "lower than 10" are "not marked as Accepted by Verus Pro," according to an email from a Maricopa County official, which the county provided to then-Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich after a public records request.

When Maricopa County was testing Verus Pro for the 2020 general election, county election official Rey Valenzuela called the rollout of the software a "sh-t show" in an October email to Runbeck.

A July 2022 contract extension between Maricopa County and Runbeck explains how the signature verification program scores signature matches.

Signatures sent to Runbeck "are assigned a score," reads the contract, "based on the verification; signatures with a score of 10 or higher are routed to a high-confidence manual signature verification queue, and signatures with a lower score are routed to a low-confidence signature verification queue."

The contract was obtained through a public records request and given to former Arizona Assistant Attorney General Jennifer Wright after she left office. Wright shared it with Just the News.

Maricopa County "won't admit to using the software," but the contracts show it does, Wright said.


PREMO Member

4 ‘African Socialists’ charged with election meddling for Russia after FBI raided their homes

Four radical American socialists have been charged with election meddling and spreading Vladimir Putin’s propaganda after they were arrested in dramatic FBI raids.

The four, two of them white, are members of the African People’s Socialist Party, a 50-year-old black empowerment organization.

Omali Yeshitela, the group’s founder and chairman was one of the four Americans and three Russian nationals indicted Tuesday for “sowing discord, spreading pro-Russia propaganda and interfering in elections within the United States.”

Yeshitela said he was zip-tied outside his St. Louis home in a raid last July by FBI agents who used flashbangs as they stormed in.

He claims the FBI has been targeting his group for decades.

The DOJ says that the 81-year-old veteran leader of the far-left group conspired along with three others — one of whom is alleged to run a cult-like group called Black Hammer — to help Russian efforts to meddle in elections.

Yeshitela has called the charges an “asinine” attack on his organization.


PREMO Member
🔥 UnCoverDC ran a heartwarming story last week headlined, “Konnech, Inc. Drops Its Lawsuit Against True the Vote.”

You may remember heroic elections investigators Gregg Philips and Catherine Engelbrecht, who were briefly jailed last year for refusing to reveal their sources, until a judge ordered them released. They had alleged that Konnech, through sketchy California businessman Eugene Wu (who was also briefly arrested, then released), provided software to US supervisors of elections allowing private data on millions of elections workers to be sent to China.

Konnech then sued the two courageous activists and their company “True the Vote” for defamation, unlawful comptuter access, and other related counts.

But Konnech dropped its lawsuit against True the Vote last Wednesday morning, one day after Engelbrecht Phillips launched their new Open.Ink website, which published key evidence supporting their side of the case. According to UncoverDC, last Tuesday morning, Konnech’s lawyers contacted True the Vote’s lawyers and said the lawsuit and all claims against them would be dropped.




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You don't have to lend any credence whatsoever to believe the 2020 election was stolen to acknowledge that massive amounts of cheating goes on.

This much is known - individuals are arrested, charged and convicted every election cycle for doing this. It's always on a small scale, rarely has any outcome on an election and in at least a few instances, probably politically motivated even if 100% true. What is harder to prove, show and win is that groups and organizations execute fraud, especially if they're in possession of all of the evidence.

But AS LONG AS Democrats INSIST that everything is on the level, elections are absolutely secure and refuse to acknowledge it, they open the door wide for ANYONE to cheat. When the cops refuse to stop looters - what happens? Mobs swarm stores - and no one is arrested. You cannot turn a blind eye to cheating and expect it to never happen.


PREMO Member
🔥 In some more unfortunate Red-on-Red news, the Texas Legislature recently turbo-impeached the state’s MAGA Attorney General Ken Paxton. Mr. Paxton has been openly and actively champion in the anti-mandate movement, as well central in fighting for election integrity in the state. The Lone Star state is rapidly sliding into the purple, with Soros prosecutors popping up all over the state including in its largest counties.

Many have asked me to explain what’s going on there. It’s not straightforward.

One popular theory is that RINO House Republicans initiated the impeachment to stop Paxton from calling out election fraud and complaining about the 2020 elections. In late April, about a month prior to his impeachment, Paxton gave a Heritage Foundation talk explaining how he tried to help President Trump prevent losing Texas, and really the country, because of mail-in balloting.

Listen for yourself. Paxton explained how mail-in balloting allows cheating, his strategy to fight it, and called out the Soros prosecutors in Texas who refuse to prosecute voting fraud (10 min), and some people think that’s what got him in trouble:



Maybe. It’s true that Paxton has been under legal attack ever since he officially became an “election denier” after the 2020 election disaster. He’s allegedly being investigated by the FBI for the last two years for bribery, for example, for allegedly issuing some favorable rulings that helped a real estate developer named Nate Paul.

But there is no evidence that Nate Paul paid any money to AG Paxton. Paxton has denied all allegations of wrongdoing, and I could find no proof that he accepted any bribes from Paul. So it looks like the typical politically-motivated, two-tiered-justice-system nonsense that we are getting so very used to these days.

It’s not clear to me Paxton is being impeached for his elections comments. Why would House Republicans try to sabotage election reform? I get the “uniparty” theory, but the uniparty phenomenon seems least likely to show up in the State House of Representatives, where officeholders have to run again every two years and where they turn over the fastest. (Not all of them. Texas lacks term limits for House Representatives. Senfronia Thompson (D-141) has served 25 consecutive terms, for example. By contrast, Florida’s House reps are term-limited to only 8 years, or 4 two-year terms).

Instead, there’s another curious possibility: a grudge. Dade Phelan, Speaker of the Texas House, made the news a few weeks ago for appearing on the House floor, drunk as a Texas skunk, badly slurring his words, with everyone acting like it was normal. Maybe it is normal.



PREMO Member

Halderman Report Released in Georgia – Confirms VOTES CAN BE ALTERED Through Defective Dominion Voting Machines – Raffensperger Hid This From Public – Garland Favorito Weighs In

Corrupt Obama Judge Amy Totenberg is the sister of NPR’s far-left correspondent Nina Totenberg.

We first reported on Obama Judge Totenberg in 2018 when she got involved in that election and tried to steal the Georgia governor’s race for Democrat Stacey Abrams.

Judge Totenberg is the corrupt judge who also allowed Hillary’s attorney, Marc Elias, to use the 14th Amendment to try and prevent Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from running in the 2022 Election:

In 2021, Judge Totenberg committed her gravest offense as a judge. She sealed and covered up the results of the Halderman report in Georgia. Up until this week ,we did not know what is in this report. Halderman’s investigation into the voting machines in Georgia started before the 2020 Election and was completed in July 2021.

Steve Bannon interviewed Kurt Olsen about cybersecurity analyst J. Alex Halderman, who found flaws in Dominion voting machines, and warned about the potential for future attacks. Judge Totenberg sealed the report. According to court documents, Halderman wrote his report after he was given 12 weeks of access to an unused Dominion ICX voting machine. Professor Halderman requested the report to be unsealed to be shared with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), a standalone United States federal agency responsible for our infrastructure, including our voting systems.


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Whistleblower Transcripts Show Deep-State Election Rigging For Biden Was Way Bigger Than A Laptop

All roads lead to Hunter Biden.

That is, all roads paved with (alleged) extortion, bribery, money laundering, tax evasion, prostitution, drug abuse, and, most importantly, election rigging. The roads traversed by Internal Revenue Service agents-turned-whistleblowers — whose disclosures to the House Ways and Means Committee were released as transcripts on Thursday — are no exception.

The troubled Biden son has always been at the center of concerns about the 2020 election, in the form of the infamous “Hunter Biden laptop.” When reports surfaced in October 2020 of an abandoned laptop showing the dirty details of not only Hunter’s shady business enterprises and potentially criminal conduct but also then-presidential candidate Joe Biden’s knowledge of and involvement in it, the corrupt Department of Justice joined hands with Big Tech censors and media propagandists to hide the story.

This was hugely significant, not only because it exposed the depravity of federal law enforcement and America’s information gatekeepers, but also because polling showed that if voters had known the depths of Biden family filth at the time, a potentially scale-tipping number of them would have voted differently in the 2020 election.

The IRS whistleblower transcripts released on Thursday, however, add new layers to the election rigging. According to the IRS agents who came forward, federal agencies abandoned standard procedures to slow-walk investigations into Hunter Biden, ignored agents who pushed for the investigation to move forward properly, retaliated against those agents, and — crucially — interfered even further in the 2020 election by making sure not to go public with details of their investigation until Donald Trump was on his way out the door and Joe Biden was safely elected.


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China-Based Hackers Impersonated US Voters With AI-generated Propaganda During 2022 Elections: Microsoft

The effort was part of a series of covert influence operations by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) intended to mimic U.S. voters from across the political spectrum and create controversy along racial, economic, and ideological lines, according to the Sept. 7 report.

“Ahead of the 2022 U.S. midterms, Microsoft and industry partners observed CCP-affiliated social media accounts impersonating U.S. voters—new territory for CCP-affiliated [influence operations],” the report reads.

“These accounts posed as Americans across the political spectrum and responded to comments from authentic users.”

The report includes examples of visual content created by Chinese communist actors using artificial intelligence. These included images supporting “Black Lives Matter,” the false claim that “most black people are killed by police,” and more generic anti-American rhetoric.

The report states that the AI-generated content is more “eye-catching” than China’s previous attempts at overseas propaganda and will likely be improved upon and used against Americans in the future.