Election 2024 Debate - JD vs Walz


PREMO Member
Were those Haitians already in CBP custody?

OK I did a search on the situation, Haiti is a Shite Hole, Biden grants TPS to Haitians Fleeing their Shite Hole, there were JOBS in Springfield,

NOT 20,000 JOBS ..... and TPS is SUPPOSED To Be TEMPORARY, these people ARE SUPPOSED TO GO HOME after a time limit but like 99% of Gov Programs, people basically NEVER Leave

What is ‘Temporary Protected Status’ for migrants?​

Haiti is among 15 countries that qualify for Temporary Protected Status (TPS), a federal immigration designation that allows immigrants to legally live and work in the country for up to 18 months.

It allows individuals to come to the U.S. legally and immediately apply for a work permit. Many who come under TPS also apply for asylum, which takes a considerably longer time due to nationwide backlogs.

President Joe Biden’s administration announced an 18-month extension and redesignation to TPS for Haitians living in the country this year due to the ongoing instability of the nation.

Why are Haitians going to Ohio?​

Criminal gangs have pillaged their way through the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince and surrounding areas, killing, raping and kidnapping thousands of people in recent years and leaving hundreds of thousands of others homeless and unemployed, which in turn has deepened poverty.

Haitians first started arriving around 2018 and chose Springfield because of job opportunities and affordable housing, Lucken Merzius, a Haitian immigrant living in the area, told
PBS News.

“I got a decent job when I was in Haiti, and then had to make a difficult decision to leave. It wasn’t easy,” he told the outlet.

Once the first delegation arrived, they told family members and friends back home to join them, and from there, the community steadily grew, he said.

“The first motivation was job and work opportunities,” Rose Joseph, an Amazon warehouse worker who also does seasonal tax preparation work, told Reuters.

Joseph came to Springfield in 2022 after arriving in Florida two years prior to escape violence in Haiti. Like many others, he made his way north on word of good job prospects, the outlet reported.

The immigrants’ arrival brought an economic revival to the city, which was once a manufacturing hub but started to crumble once factories shuttered in the last decades.

The city shrank from a population of 80,000 to 60,000 by 2014. That number has since grown due to the increase in Haitian immigrants, reported The New York Times.

Haitians’ arrival causes mixed reactions among locals​

While the immigrants were welcomed by many longtime residents, their arrival has also caused concern and even animosity among others who say the newcomers are taking jobs at factories, driving up housing costs, worsening traffic and straining city services.

“It’s causing sharp increases in rent and home prices, which is forcing people out of their homes,” Bill Monaghan, a former journalist in Springfield, told NewsNation.

“It’s causing delays in public safety response like police, fire or even emergency services. You go out to a site, and no one speaks English,” Monaghan also said.

The number of affordable housing vouchers fell as landlords moved to market-based rents that were rising in the face of higher demand, a blow to existing residents relying on them, reported Reuters.

These sentiments were exacerbated last year when a minivan slammed into a school bus, killing an 11-year-old boy. The driver was a Haitian man who had recently settled in the area and was driving without a valid license.


Power with Control
I've been hearing about this app for a while now .... a year of more, how Biden is using it to by pass the confusion at the border

A person ' registers ' as an asylum seeker and may then fly right into the country and be setup, while they wait 2 - 5 yrs for their court date
That's my point. There appears to have been a change in how it was used. Perhaps before, you submitted your application, and it was actually processed. The things you said verified, your background checked, you know, the sorts of things any country might expect to know about someone seeking entry.

And after, just rubber stamp them all.

Imagine a bank approving every mortgage request ... Oh wait! You don't have to imagine that we lived it.


PREMO Member
Perhaps before, you submitted your application, and it was actually processed. The things you said verified, your background checked, you know, the sorts of things any country might expect to know about someone seeking entry.

Under Trump this process was used while PEOPLE STAYED IN MEXICO, or you were filing from your home country.

Yeah under Biden this become a revolving door NOBODY is required to stay where they are either Mexico or home country ....


these people are in DANGER, we must allow them in

Ramp Guy

Well-Known Member
Saw an article yesterday, sorry now that I didn't bookmark it, that Biden has brought in so many Haitians that it is equals to 4% of Haiti's population.


PREMO Member
That's my point. There appears to have been a change in how it was used.

U.S. plans to admit nearly 40,000 asylum-seekers per month through mobile app

Exclusive: Biden has quietly deployed an app for asylum seekers. Privacy experts are worried

In recent weeks, U.S. border officials have taken an unprecedented step, quietly deploying a new app, CBP One, which relies on controversial facial recognition, geolocation and cloud technology to collect, process and store sensitive information on asylum seekers before they enter the United States, according to three privacy-impact assessments conducted by the Homeland Security Department and experts who reviewed them for The Times.

The DHS assessments describe the app as necessary because border officials cannot "process all individuals at once” who are seeking protection in the United States but have been forced back into Mexico under Trump-era policies that Biden has largely kept. Officials maintain it offers a safe and efficient technical solution.

DHS officials argue that such "smart border" innovation is more effective than the previous administration's walls and bans. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told lawmakers last week that the Biden administration was requesting $1.2 billion for modernizing ports of entry and border security technology, including ensuring "safe, orderly, and humane treatment of migrants.”

“We are working tirelessly to rebuild our immigration system,” Mayorkas said.

But several experts who reviewed the privacy assessments said the Customs and Border Protection app raised alarms about unchecked data collection and surveillance by the government on vulnerable migrants who had little choice but to consent.

“CBP’s use of face recognition poses enormous risks to privacy and is another step down a dangerous path,” Ashley Gorski, senior attorney at the ACLU National Security Project, told The Times. “Whenever the government acquires a person’s faceprint, it creates a risk of persistent surveillance, where the government could identify and track people’s movements without their knowledge.”


Well-Known Member
Since when does an Executive Order by a President give legal Status to Haitians or any other invader.
When did a President become King.
Where the hell is the Congress.?


PREMO Member

MSNBC ERUPTS IN RAGE As Liberal Media ROASTS Tim Walz For GETTING DESTROY By JD Vance During Debate!​



PREMO Member
🔥 He actually said this: “I’ve become friends with school shooters.” The Vice Presidential Debate flashed across CBS last night, closely watched by political partisans, and completely ignored by everyone else. The tone was civil and noncombative; the moderators were not allowed to ‘fact check’ anyone; and the corporate media seems unable to pick a ‘winner.’ It was Vance. Vance won.

image 6.png

CLIP: the moment when Walz proved he’s crazier than a sprayed roach (1:10).

J.D. Vance won the debate because he is wicked smart, well-spoken, and was unburdened by the necessity of pretense. He could just be himself. Walz carried the burden of two different jobs last night: he had to debate Vance, but at the same time he also had to pretend to be a living cartoon of a folksy, rural conservative Democrat instead of a marxist tool who’s been to China over thirty times.

Walz’s China fetish procured one of the many laugh-out-loud moments last night. Headline from USA Today, last evening:

image 7.png

The boring backstory is that Walz lied about being in China during the Tiananmen Square massacre. It only became news when somebody found some old newspaper reports putting Walz at home during the event in question. After one of the CBS moderators asked Walz to explain the discrepancy between his claim and news reports about him being in the US during that time, Walz gave a little speech about his China policy.

To her credit, the moderator didn’t let him get away with it, and pressed Walz to answer the question. Walz folded. He basically admitted he lied. "I have not been perfect,” Walz explained, “and I'm a knucklehead at times."

A “knucklehead” is one way of putting it.

But that wasn’t even close to Walz’s worst moment. Ultimately, it wasn’t hard to pick, though his claim that “abortion is a basic human right” was a close second place. But Walz claimed the top knucklehead prize after being asked why he opposed assault weapons bans before he supported them. Walz then said this:

I’ve sat in that office with those Sandy Hook parents. I’ve become friends with school shooters… This idea of stigmatizing mental health; just because you have a mental health issue doesn’t mean you’re violent. We end up looking for a scapegoat. Sometimes it just is the guns. It’s just the guns. And there’s things you can do about it.​

What? Sometimes, it’s just the guns? The guns do it? Are the guns hypnotizing people? Was Walz talking about some newfangled, high-tech, AI-driven DARPA autonomous weapon?

At the same time Walz was arguing for some kind of gun control for regular citizens, he also seemed to be arguing for giving crazy people easier access to firearms to avoid stigmatizing them. You can’t make this stuff up.

Whatever squirmy misfire in Walz’s cranium caused him to give that fruity answer earned the gaffe of the year award. Touché, brain worm.

I suppose the moral of the story is: pick replacement VPs for your selected VP in haste, and repent in leisure.

Soon, Walz will be campaigning from the basement like the rest of the faux candidates.



PREMO Member




Just sneakin' around....
I used to like the CBS morning news with Norah O'Donnell. Not anymore. And then Gayle King took over and she was blatantly racist and anti-Trump. She'd talk like you'd expect a high-profile news journalist to talk, and as soon as the camera was off, she'd talk ghetto. Lost all respect for the entire CBS team.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Of all the questions that could be asked in a debate, with all that's going on in the world and country right now, the second question was about the role of climate change in hurricane Helene. :doh:


PREMO Member

Vance COOKED Walz In VP Debate, Democrat PANICS After Moderators PROVE HE LIED | Timcast News​



PREMO Member

The View COPES Over Voters DECLARING JD Vance The WINNER Over Tim Walz In CBS Debate!​



Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Sorry, this was in reply to Hijinx:

I can hear the chorus now, "It would be too costly to send them all back!"

"Here's a parachute and bag lunch. Now go get on the C-130 over there."

It will cost us a helluva lot more to let them stay.
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