Election Deniers Hakeem Jeffries


Well-Known Member
This a the guy who shamelessly accused President Trump of not being legitimately the President and then goes on national TV and then shamelessly wants to blame it on Republicans. I would say this is unbelievable if it were anyone but a Democrat saying it.


Resident PIA
This a the guy who shamelessly accused President Trump of not being legitimately the President and then goes on national TV and then shamelessly wants to blame it on Republicans. I would say this is unbelievable if it were anyone but a Democrat saying it.
The entire democrat party (except for Tulsi) can rot in the mess they make.
Every single one of those hypnotics were out after the 2016 election claiming Trump stole the election, Russian collusion, etc.
On top of that they were encouraging violence - you get in their face, don't let them eat out,
Same lot that used a "leak" of a draft supreme court position paper to send out protestors to justices homes.
Let's not forget Stacy Abrams crying foul in Georgia.
The holier than thou bastards to use the Fascist, Racist tags to incite riots for political gain
BECAISE - there isn't an honest press to hold them accountable.


Well-Known Member

That whole speech was a total lie. This fool lays out the Democrat party, They do exactly the opposite of what he states at every turn. This man is a perfect indication of what the democrat party has turned into. A party so bereft of honest politicians that they make this affirmative action idiot into their leader. I can almost laugh because this slaps our boy Steny right in the face . Suck it up Steny, this is the party that you helped create.


Well-Known Member
Oh Geez, It finally came true.
Brawndo GIF by Idiocracy


PREMO Member

House Dem Leader Says Stop Being ‘Disagreeable.’ On Same Show, Attacks GOP ‘Extreme MAGA Agenda’

“Our general concern is that the dysfunction that was historic that we saw this week is not at an end, it’s just the beginning,” Jeffries told Todd. “And while the Congress was held captive this particular time, what is going to be a problem is if the American people will be held captive over the next two years to the extreme MAGA Republican agenda that apparently has been negotiated into the House rules and the functioning of the Congress.”

“That’s going to undermine the health, the safety, and the well-being of the American people, he declared. “It may undermine national security and a robust defense, and undermine our ability to actually advance an agenda that is anchored in kitchen table, pocketbook issues and not extremism.”

Jeffries’ leftist rhetoric over the years has included saying of Kyle Rittenhouse, “Lock up Kyle Rittenhouse and throw away the key,” prompting Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) to reply, “If this isn’t proof that the Democrat Party has largely departed from American principles of neutrally applied justice and the right of self-defense, then I don’t know what is.”


PREMO Member


PREMO Member

There seems to be some confusion as well.

Jeffries is referencing the Countering Antisemitism Act and many people are thinking of the Antisemitism Awareness Act. The Awareness act focuses on colleges and defined antisemitic speech and the Countering act focuses on investigating antisemitism across the board and providing reporting mechanisms, through creating a new national coordinator within the White House.

However, both are unpopular.

More attention has been focused on the Awareness act because Republicans introduced it, but the Countering act covers the same things, including speech on college campuses.

Pretending Republicans are somehow uniquely malicious for voting against it is just more political games. The only thing Extreme Hakeem seems to be interested in.

Considering the loudest supporters of anti-Israel protests on college campuses have been within his own party, the exact behavior both laws seek to regulate, his accusation is all the more ridiculous.

Sorry, Rep. Jeffries, no one is buying this one.



PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Newsweek ran a shocking story yesterday headlined, “Joe Biden gets update from Hakeem Jeffries on Democratic revolt.” The news shocked and updated political experts, who were updated and surprised to learn that Hakeem Jeffries can write letters.


There isn’t much to the story. House Minority Leader Jeffries (D-NY) met with Biden mano-a-mano on Thursday night for a “spirited” interview. Unfortunately, the two men’s meeting was not transcribed and we have no record of how often Biden finished his sentences using ellipses and the word “…anyway.”

(I don’t mean to complain, but sometimes I feel like it just isn’t fair. Why should Biden be spared the frequently difficult labors of coming up with something, you know, I told him, oh well … anyway.)

Obviously, the Jeffries-Biden meeting was a disaster. Otherwise they’d have told us something about it. Instead, all anybody got was two short paragraphs making up Jeffries’ addressed to “Dear colleagues”letter to House Democrats, which he struggled all night at the keyboard to perfect using complete sentences:

image 2.png

And not a single “anyway.” Great job, leader Jeffries! But in sum, Jeffries reported back to his House Democrats that, “I told him, okay?”

The record is regrettably absent of any response from the Quamquat-in-Chief. (Sorry! Generic Vegetable in Chief. Apologies to Quamquat fans.) We are left to imagine whatever Biden said during the meeting, but I bet it was long and had lots of ellipses.

Jeffries’ letter notably omitted any presidential endorsement. Meaning, Jeffries could have told House Democrats, “I was completely reassured and we all need to get behind our Party’s best mind and glorious leader, Joseph R. Cabbage.” Instead, the letter just sort of ended abruptly, even more abruptly than how Biden aides pull the plug on a press conference the instant Joe starts rambling again about ‘the blacks.’

But if we look a little closer, there’s a clue. It’s right there, in Jeffries short phrase tacked onto the end of his second paragraph: “heartfelt perspectives and conclusions about the path forward that the Caucus has shared.” Wait. What is “the path forward?” One supposes that if the Path Forward included anybody whose name rhymed with ‘pie-den’, Jeffries probably would have said so.

Is Joe Biden wandering down a different political path than the hiking trail the House Democrats are on? Is this all just a staged psyop to grease the undemocratic transition to a replacement candidate, long planned since 2022? Will Taylor Swift ever settle down, or will she keep dating into her 60’s? These are challenging questions with no clear answers.

But what we know for sure is that Jeffries wrote his short, halfhearted, but neatly written letter even though Joe Biden just commandingly announced the rapid deployment of NATO’s strategic army of TikTok influencers, a military development even more stunning and consequential than the United States’ invasion of Grenada.
