I had two dogs trained to the fence. With one it worked great, another figured out her system - she would run a 20 ft circle building up speed and then run and try to leap over the "fence". Of course she'd get shocked and when ready to come home would sit at the end of the driveway unable to get back in. Even taking off her collar I could not drag her across the fence (she weighed about 100lbs) I had to get in the car, drive to her at the street, open the door and drive her back in the yard! I did the 3 weeks of training with her but she was so used to roaming and determined to get out. My second dog was never allowed out until he learned the system and was great with it.
Another thought on invisible fencing. I am a rural mail carrier and many years ago I was delivering parcels right before Christmas. This was in the years before cell phones. I left my truck at the road and walked down a short driveway to leave a package at the front door. Turned around and there was a 100lb Doberman on invisible fence! I could not take one step towards the truck without getting a reaction out of him. I spent over an hour trapped on the stoop until a neighbor came home the dog knew and held him so I could get back to the truck! I had blown the horn to make myself known to any critters but this one used the stealth system. I know who on my regular route has this type of fencing but at Christmas time we sometimes do parcel runs that include other carriers routes. I appreciate folks who post that they use invisible fence systems!