Electric Guitar Teachers and Lessons


New Member
I know there are some older threads covering this topic, but the recommendations provided in those past threads are for lesson centers that are no longer in business or for teachers who are off the grid.

Does anyone know of electric guitar teachers/lessons in the St. Mary's County area? I can only find resources in Waldorf and Huntington and nothing else. I am searching for youth lessons (aged 10 and 12). Would greatly appreciate any feedback!


New Member
Thanks for your reply--but you forgot ukuleles! LOL! Amazing how many ukulele instructors there are in this county. In all honesty, I checked the links you provided before posting this message--but honestly do appreciate your input! SMGL is classical only and Musika is "iffy," you have to sign up and instructors either do not answer you or are affiliated with music stores in other counties (e.g., Sacchetti's). Interestingly enough, Island Music Company in La Plata offers EG lessons, but there is a long waiting list to get in. It is so long, they cannot add anyone else to it. I think we may have found a true gap in the market. . .


Well-Known Member
I can play "Stairway to Heaven", Louie Louie, and Satisfaction.... I ve been kicked out of Bill's Guitar in Catonsville, Guitar Center in Glen Burnie and Veneman Music in Wheaton....


St. Mary's is more likely to be banjos, harmonicas and moonshine jugs.

I'd associate that more with the I-20 corridor (probably the interstate I've had the most miles on, mostly due to how it was a bypass from downtown areas in Texas) in Louisiana, Texas, Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi or the Ozarks in Missouri.


New Member
It can be tough when the options are limited to nearby towns. Have you considered online lessons? They can be super convenient and often offer great flexibility in scheduling, which might be handy given the distances involved. I recently stumbled upon ArtMaster (link: https://www.artmaster.com), they have a variety of music lessons online that could be worth checking out. Even if it's not local, it could be a solid option to explore, especially for young learners.
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