I was showing the hypocrisy of criticizing Warren for saying she would do something once elected
Not hypocritical - she has virtually zero ability to do that. Even if she could compel Congress to pass it, she can't do anything about the 38 states approval, nor could she even hint at a timeline.
as though she were saying she would wave a wand and make it happen yet believing that is just what Trump would do when he said " he would build a wall and make mexico pay for it" " Defeat Isis on his first day in office" and all his other nonsense
Last I checked, ISIS
is defeated.
During campaigns and especially during SOTU addresses, Presidents propose such things, but usually if it's popular and reasonable, it goes through. This is why Obama could propose things in an SOTU and wham - it goes through.
The bizarre thing about the wall is that Congress had
previously approved BILLIONS more dollars for it - but opposed it because Trump wanted it,
even among members who had themselves voted in favor of it and were on record as being in favor. And he couldn't sweeten the deal enough, by adding the Dream Act or any form of amnesty. They were having none of it. It should have been a slam dunk mainly because previously, the Dems were on board with it. They just turned on it because he wanted it.