

Dream Stealer
anyone have one they are using for a glorified coatrack and want to see it have a good home :biggrin:

I have been emailing people left and right from the classifieds..but it's either a manual machine (i want electric) or it gets sold before I can hit the send button. So I thought I would try convincing someone to sell me theirs :)

I am not looking to spend a fortune so no fancy shmancy gym quality ones unless you wanna sell it cheap :whistle:



anyone have one they are using for a glorified coatrack and want to see it have a good home :biggrin:

I have been emailing people left and right from the classifieds..but it's either a manual machine (i want electric) or it gets sold before I can hit the send button. So I thought I would try convincing someone to sell me theirs :)

I am not looking to spend a fortune so no fancy shmancy gym quality ones unless you wanna sell it cheap :whistle:


I have a nice one, rarely used, how much are you looking to spend?
Walmart has a very nice one for @ 230-250 Gold's gym brand, sometimes you can catch the free shipping deal and have it delivered right to your house, love mine


In My Opinion
I have the Nordic track E-71,,
I suggest breaking down and spending a couple extra bucks and getting one that monitors the heart rate, has programs that automatically set incline and resistance and have the ability to connect to the internet to track progress and access different programs to fit your personal needs.

I think Sears has them on sale this month too. (been on sale all summer actually)


Dream Stealer
You want to join the walking/running club that a bunch of moms just got started?

Where? when? I never get to join mom things because99% of the time they are during the day when I work :killingme

I have the Nordic track E-71,,
I suggest breaking down and spending a couple extra bucks and getting one that monitors the heart rate, has programs that automatically set incline and resistance and have the ability to connect to the internet to track progress and access different programs to fit your personal needs.

I think Sears has them on sale this month too. (been on sale all summer actually)

ooh. That's exactly what I want. But for much cheaper :nomoney: I had a lead on almost that same one..for .250 but the guy stopped emailing me and I haven't heard anything in a week or two.

I have a nice treadmill I'll let go cheap.

I was considering a treadmill because I have an awesome 5k training program I want to start, but was looking for an elliptical first..feet and knees wrecked from ballet..what are the specs?


New Member
We're meeting on base for a walk/run each Sat. morning; those that can run, do. Those that can only walk, do. Some of us are training for a 10k. All of us have small kids, so we welcome jogging strollers if you need it. The weekly visit keeps us accountable for our weekday exercise. I'm sending you a PM.


Obama destroyed America
I was considering a treadmill because I have an awesome 5k training program I want to start, but was looking for an elliptical first..feet and knees wrecked from ballet..what are the specs?
:howdy: I might be interested.
It's a Golds Gym 450. Hasn't been used 5 times. A small part of a cover was broked during shipping but everything works fine. It's programmable and has the heart monitor.


Dream Stealer
I got a great piece of equipment from a very helpful forumite :howdy:

but I am still looking for an elliptical..classifieds have come up with nada..and I can't afford a new one :nomoney:

soo..if anyone knows someone selling or has one they wanna get rid of ..i'd give it a happy home :diva:


In My Opinion
It's a Golds Gym 450. Hasn't been used 5 times. A small part of a cover was broked during shipping but everything works fine. It's programmable and has the heart monitor.

But can you play scenery through the computer or your tv to let you pretend you are walking etc.. through various places of touristical (<-made up word) interest?


New Member


black widow
I have a barely used one that needs a home for free. It's the Gold's Gym one from Walmart. PM me, I just want someone to haul it away. I thought I'd pay it forward after Aerogal let me have an upright piano in trade for taking it off her hands.


Dream Stealer
Now all you need are some free weights and a lap pool and you can start charging membership fees! :lol:

I have a set of dumbells and a bathtub..that counts, right?

it's so hard for me to get out of the house with the baby to exercise and her daycare precludes me from joining a gym like I did in the past or organized classes on a reg basis..so this is so helpful..whoever says the people on this forum are meanies don't know what they are talking about. I have met several really great people..traded things, bought things, got things for free. it's like a more personal version of craigs list :killingme