Email to the President


Well, I had fun in this conversation - but apparently, I'm no longer a part of it.

Someone PM me if this abortion of a thread ever goes back on topic.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
crabcake said:
Funny, that's not how your post comes across. :confused:

Maybe it's me, but I don't see your (or other's) concern for the well-being or health of our (former) relationship in that post. :confused:

And who are these "others" that you :gossip: I mean "observed" with? :shrug:
In that post, true. No gossip. First hand observation by people other than me. Tater really loved you in my opinion.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
No, unfortunately, I don't. There's a family computer, in a family area.

Maybe it's me, but it seems that your responses to me are very much like listening to someone who's in pain, and telling them: "I don't feel anything".

Look. I'm not disagreeing with you to be contrary. The fact is, sometimes I have to telecommute. If my wife has to go to the doctor, or go to a meeting in school, or if I catch a bug - I'll work at home. While you have fewer distractions at home and get more work done, the only time I get anything done is nap-time and if my wife takes the kids out somewhere.

Personally - I wish I could telecommute every day. I could work in my jammies, I'm closer to the bathroom, I get occasional backrubs when Mrs. Toxick comes stands behind me - and when my kids are older and in school, maybe I'll do just that.

But a telecommunications mandate - now - would be extremely detrimental to my productivity, and I have a feeling I'm not unique.


pretty black roses
<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' alt='Good Vs Evil' border=0></a>


But wait, there's more...
2ndAmendment said:
In that post, true. No gossip. First hand observation by people other than me. Tater really loved you in my opinion.
Don't backpedal :nono: How would you know someone else's first-hand observation if you didn't talk to/:gossip: with them about it? :confused: :shrug:

You don't really have to answer that ... it's pretty clear. :yay:


2ndAmendment said:
Paranoid a bit?OK.

Not at all.

I could seriously care less what your dysfunctional self thinks of me, and I know there is no need to prove what others have seen and witnessed themselves.

God loves you and so do I.

Oh it shows, it really shows.

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can we keep god in the religion forum please
god and politics really don't mix well:ohwell:


Well-Known Member
jwwb2000 said:
<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' alt='Good Vs Evil' border=0></a>



Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
crabcake said:
Don't backpedal :nono: How would you know someone else's first-hand observation if you didn't talk to/:gossip: with them about it? :confused: :shrug:

You don't really have to answer that ... it's pretty clear. :yay:
OK. No back pedaling. We talked. Different definition of gossip. I think gossip is talking about someone with no first hand knowledge.:yay:


2ndAmendment said:

You know what - don't do me any favors.

This post is probably the most insulting and condescending thing I've ever seen out of you, and that's saying something. If you're not going to have the courtesy of responding to me with something better than that, then please don't even bother responding at all.

I made an effort to make my end of the debate/argument/whatever thought provoking, courteous and respectful. And this half-assed non-chalant tossing out of "OK" just so that I'll shut up and go away is a slap in my face.

If it was your intention for me to go away and leave you alone, you've succeeded.


But wait, there's more...
2ndAmendment said:
OK. No back pedaling. We talked. Different definition of gossip. I think gossip is talking about someone with no first hand knowledge.:yay:
:roflmao: :roflmao: Okayyyyy .... NOW I've seen it all! :roflmao: :roflmao:

You'd have been better off not answering vs. trying to justify :gossip: about someone's relationship with others. Call it what you want ... explain it however you care to ... it's still :gossip:.

Good day! :howdy:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
You know what - don't do me any favors.

This post is probably the most insulting and condescending thing I've ever seen out of you, and that's saying something. If you're not going to have the courtesy of responding to me with something better than that, then please don't even bother responding at all.

I made an effort to make my end of the debate/argument/whatever thought provoking, courteous and respectful. And this half-assed non-chalant tossing out of "OK" just so that I'll shut up and go away is a slap in my face.

If it was your intention for me to go away and leave you alone, you've succeeded.
That was not my intent. I was saying I agreed that telecommuting is not good for you in your situation; nothing more and nothing less. It was not meant to be insulting or condescending.


Well-Known Member
Email to the President 09-06-2005 08:58 PM
Email to the President 09-06-2005 05:39 PM They don't respect 2A nor do they respect you.
Email to the President 09-06-2005 05:32 PM sad, sad, sad
Email to the President 09-06-2005 05:25 PM You really should try that &quot;speechless&quot; approach in all your posts. You aren't that interesting.

Because of my following post:

1. Wha? I'll remain speechless.

2. rack'm is right. It shows clearly from those that do this. Keep chin up, there are many that do respect you.

3. Where are the adults at these gatherings? I am guessing everyone is underaged?

4. Wha? I'll remain speechless.

First of all, I am not here to "win respect" you goons should know that by now. I can live without the respect from those of you here that are immature.

Yes, I agree, it is "sad, sad, sad"

Not trying to be interesting here. Nor trying to find the love I am so happy to not be in your circle of, romance, soap operas, gossip, back stabing..will stop here, you know clearly of what I speak.

Carry on.