Emergency**** Help Needed!!!!!!

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
mainman said:
Take this shit to the baynet if you can't stay on topic... Thank you...:yay:
I can get off topic any time I would like. Just ask Wildhorses, who, by the way, is a lawyer, psychologist and a Mensa person. And she can write 250 wpm.

Oh, sorry. Off topic again.


In My Opinion
Pandora said:
You'd rather have beer than sex? :shocking:

me too

I got another go burn some rubber karma. It's my driving isn't it? I just know it. Everyone complains about my driving. :mad:

I can honestly say that I have no problems at all to discuss as far as your driving goes.


In My Opinion
around here if a thread stays on topic for more that three posts,, something is afoul:jameo:


bcp said:
I can honestly say that I have no problems at all to discuss as far as your driving goes.

Hey, BCP, when someone delivers that beer, will you then bring some my way? :whistle:


In My Opinion
IcePrincess said:
Hey, BCP, when someone delivers that beer, will you then bring some my way? :whistle:

of course.
Hey I know, lets hold our breath together until the beer shows up.:lmao:


bcp said:
of course.
Hey I know, lets hold our breath together until the beer shows up.:lmao:

Me thinks we'll be holding our breath for a looooooong time :lol:


New Member
07-16-2006 09:35 PM GO BURN SOME RUBBER!!!
07-16-2006 08:56 PM go burn some rubber...

I'm starting to wonder if somebody saw my 180 in front of Toot's last night. :killingme


Pandora said:
07-16-2006 09:35 PM GO BURN SOME RUBBER!!!
07-16-2006 08:56 PM go burn some rubber...

I'm starting to wonder if somebody saw my 180 in front of Toot's last night. :killingme

Were you at Toot's last night? :yikes: :lol:


New Member
IcePrincess said:
Hey Pand, are our av's doing the same thing? Hmmmmmm.....................

Hey, that's cool. I wouldn't have noticed that had you not pointed it out. Yours looks like a cut out from my av. :lmao:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
camily said:
Thats freakin' weird.
I just think of BS Gal everytime I see it. Didn't she use that one?
Yes, in the beginning. I have to get my beach one back, but it's at work, so can't change it until I go to work. I was getting my step-daughter on here and somehow we BOTH ended up with this funky one she picked out. I had MENSA, so was too impatient to deal with it today. :huggy:


BS Gal said:
Yes, in the beginning. I have to get my beach one back, but it's at work, so can't change it until I go to work. I was getting my step-daughter on here and somehow we BOTH ended up with this funky one she picked out. I had MENSA, so was too impatient to deal with it today. :huggy:
My bestfriend is pre-mensa-pausal. Poor thing, night sweats to beat the band. She's moody too. :lol: