Eminem/Linkin Park and 50 Cents



Kizzy said:
Not yet, they said this summer, but I am going to keep my eyes open. :yay: As soon as I know something, I am going to post the dates, see who is interested. If it happens to be at RFK, I would love to just get a general ticket, down on the field and fight my way to the stage. What do you think?
You lead the way...I'll be behind you!


Maybe Jay Z ??? Rumor has it Jay Z

Eminem, 50 Cent and Linkin Park to tour together?
After a year when no stadium tours were on the road, very preliminary talks are underway for a monster stadium-level package that would include Eminem, 50 Cent, Linkin Park, and at least one other rock act, sources tell Billboard.com.

:getdown: I'm as giddy as a school girl. I will keep close tabs on any upcoming news.


And FYI, I have been trying to hit that site on and off for the last several days and I think the traffic is just very high, so it may or may not work. But, I did quote all they have to say about it so far above.

The news is really huge to the fans.


I eat red meat
Who the heck are these? I was figuring this thread was about the cost of M&Ms being so cheap near some recreation area. :confused: