Emmitt Smith


Active Member
Emmitt Smith slams Redskins' Dan Snyder in 'SLAM' ... owner fires back

Now he's getting blasted by a predictable hater in former Cowboys RB Emmitt Smith, who tells SLAM magazine:

"I loved defeating the Redskins. I loved it, I loved it, I loved it with a passion," Smith said. "And I loved it more when Daniel Snyder got the team, for a number of reasons. I did. Because here is a guy who thought he could build a football team just because he has the money to buy players. There's more to it than that. And he's not a compassionate person, not a compassionate person at all from what I understand. And that makes me just want to pummel somebody. You know, you hate to see pride, wearing itself on his forehead and his chest. And to me, arrogance sticks out like a sore thumb when you talk about him. And the lack of compassion for others is a problem. Because it's not that hard to be compassionate."

Snyder responded Saturday in a statement released through the Redskins p.r. department:

"I applaud Emmitt Smith's induction into the NFL Hall of Fame and, from what I understand, he's a heck of a dancer. I think we've only met once briefly at an NFL function in 2000. I will say, however, that I like to think of myself as being a compassionate person, except toward the Dallas Cowboys."

Instead of taking the opportunity to reflect on a HOF nod he decides to take a poke at the Redskins? :ohwell:


They're out to get us
Instead of taking the opportunity to reflect on a HOF nod he decides to take a poke at the Redskins? :ohwell:

that's the definition of a good rivalry. you noticed Snyder made a poke at the Cowboys as a whole, didn't ya? it never dies


Well-Known Member
I am neither a Redskin nor a Cowboy fan. Being a neutral third party, allow me to say this: For that buffoon to prattle on about arrogance when the NFL created a rule to specifically address his behavior is beyond laughable. His constant helmet removal after a touchdown so he could tell ALLLLLLL the viewers at home: "See me. Look at MEEEEE.", caused the NFL to prohibit helmet removal on the playing field. And please tell me that ESPN has removed him from behind the desk. For those of you old enough to remember, he fractures the English language worse than Norm Crosby. For those of you NOT old enough look up Norm Crosby on youtube.


Active Member
You have the wrong guy...Emmitt never did that...sorry.

I hope you were just being sarcastic....:lol: but if you werent....

In order to reduce taunting and excessive celebrations, no player may remove his helmet while on the playing field except during timeouts and between quarters. This is known as the "Emmitt Smith rule" after the Dallas Cowboys' Running Back's habit of taking his helmet off every time he scored a touchdown.

:razz: :lol:


New Member
Statement from Dan Snyder regarding Emmitt Smith comments

“I applaud Emmitt Smith’s induction into the NFL Hall of Fame and, from what I understand, he’s a heck of a dancer. I think we’ve only met once briefly at an NFL function in 2000. I will say, however, that I like to think of myself as being a compassionate person, except toward the Dallas Cowboys.”

pwned! Too bad he didn't comment on his commentary skills :killingme


The Cowboys haven't considered the Redskins a 'rival' in a long time.

Yep,....George Allen started that crap, years ago...Tom Landry was too classy to even think of it.

Eagles/'Boys are a better fued.....:coffee:



New Member

C'mon, Emmitt is one of the few true class acts of the NFL. Amongst all the negativity that surrounded the Cowboys in the 90's he stayed true to himself. He was always involved off the field, and has continued to give back since retiring. I take serious offense to someone stating that he was anything less than spectacular on and off the field.

I for one will be there, August 6-9, to see Emmitt get his gold jacket. I will be there to see him give his induction speech, and I will be there to hear all of the stories he gives at the round table. I will be there to see him cheer on his team, my team, the Cowboys!!!

I am not trying to start a Cowboys/Redskins war, but it really seems funny that the fans have run out of people to have negative comments about, so now they must be directed Emmitt's way. Emmitt is totally right, and every one of you know it, Ol Danny Boy has tried for many years to "Buy" a championship, much like Jerry!!!! It doesn't work any more. Good luck to you all in your re-building of a team that needs a "TOTAL" overhaul!!! We will see you twice this year, we may split it as I don't expect to sweep any division rival. But in the future, talk about those that deserve it. Those that do the NFL wrong, those that show Children it is okay to be a lowlife POS, those that are just down right bad people. Don't throw Emmitt in that category, that is definately one he doesn't belong in!!!

Good Luck and Go COWBOYS!!!!


Football addict
C'mon, Emmitt is one of the few true class acts of the NFL. Amongst all the negativity that surrounded the Cowboys in the 90's he stayed true to himself. He was always involved off the field, and has continued to give back since retiring. I take serious offense to someone stating that he was anything less than spectacular on and off the field.

I for one will be there, August 6-9, to see Emmitt get his gold jacket. I will be there to see him give his induction speech, and I will be there to hear all of the stories he gives at the round table. I will be there to see him cheer on his team, my team, the Cowboys!!!

I am not trying to start a Cowboys/Redskins war, but it really seems funny that the fans have run out of people to have negative comments about, so now they must be directed Emmitt's way. Emmitt is totally right, and every one of you know it, Ol Danny Boy has tried for many years to "Buy" a championship, much like Jerry!!!! It doesn't work any more. Good luck to you all in your re-building of a team that needs a "TOTAL" overhaul!!! We will see you twice this year, we may split it as I don't expect to sweep any division rival. But in the future, talk about those that deserve it. Those that do the NFL wrong, those that show Children it is okay to be a lowlife POS, those that are just down right bad people. Don't throw Emmitt in that category, that is definately one he doesn't belong in!!!

Good Luck and Go COWBOYS!!!!

Stay classy Cowboys fan.:yay: