Empire Star Beaten in Homophobic racist MAGA attack


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I went to Nokelby's one time before they closed. .

We were working a project in a secure facility back in the Wildwood mess for a while in the late 80s and early 90s. When we'd spill out of there at the end of the day, bunch of us made straight for Nokleby's ..pretty much every day. We had some Brits on the project..I blame them. ;-)


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
My hubby has been known to blame the Brits, too. He spent a good deal of time with them on Ascension Island. They drank a lot of beer and went shark fishing.

We never went shark fishing, so...

Scots are worse. I needed a liver transplant after working with a bunch of them over a three-week period in Denmark last year.


Well-Known Member
If only you wanna be Matlocks and armchair experts used your skepticism to explain Trumps behavior toward russia and his 6 close associates indicted or in Jail we wouldn't have a criminal for a president.

Instead you are only skeptical of a black man who spent the night in the hospital due to his injuries.

Doesnt that give you pause?

What is wrong with you that those are your priorities and knee jerk reactions


Well-Known Member
Your fascination with barack osama is well documented, you don't have to play it down.

IS that supposed to be clever word play? Wasn't Obama the president under which Osama was captured and killed

Are the steroids shrinking your brain as well as your balls?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
A clue:



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
At some point we should understand that actors, you know, act. And right now Jussie Smollett is acting like an innocent victim who was beaten up on the streets of Chicago by unidentified thugs who support President Trump.


Well-Known Member
Stay classy, left freaks. :yay: Makes the silly nicknames we made up for ole Barry Momjeans look like something gleaned from children's books.

HAHA Yeah those hilarious and kid friendly effigies you guys burned in the streets and nooses .

You guys are such kidders


Well-Known Member
Whoever created that story just couldn't resist the temptation to put it on really thick. The whole thing is just too theatrical.