End Racial Profiling!!!


If you care about ending racial profiling then please contact Steny Hoyer, Paul Sarbanes, and Barbara Mikulski. You can go to thenation.com and click under issues. This will take you to a pre-written letter that you can email. I wasn't sure if any of you care about this issue, but I know I do. Lets make America fair for all Americans!!! :patriot:


This Space for Rent
Yes, because searching all the WASPs at the airport while avoiding the middle easterners to avoid offending will really help. :yay:


FromTexas said:
Yes, because searching all the WASPs at the airport while avoiding the middle easterners to avoid offending will really help. :yay:

What is a WASP? I don't think most White Americans understand what's it like to live in America when your not White. Our Constitution protects the rights of all Americans, not just white folk. I don't think its fair to target someone based on the color of their skin, or because there Arab.


Football season!
UrbanPancake said:
What is a WASP? I don't think most White Americans understand what's it like to live in America when your not White. Our Constitution protects the rights of all Americans, not just white folk. I don't think its fair to target someone based on the color of their skin, or because there Arab.
Not just because their arab. I'm sure if the chinese flew airplanes into our buildings and had an entire culture focused on destroying america, we would profile them to :ohwell:


SmallTown said:
Not just because their arab. I'm sure if the chinese flew airplanes into our buildings and had an entire culture focused on destroying america, we would profile them to :ohwell:

And I guess it's ok for police to pull over african americans just because their black?

I also guess that there are no white extremists??????


Football season!
UrbanPancake said:
And I guess it's ok for police to pull over african americans just because their black?

I also guess that there are no white extremists??????
If they are innocent, they have nothing to worry about.


Yes, please people! The next time you see a muslim extremist hiding a box in the airport just sit down and shuddup! While we are on the subject .... Just because a black man hasn't worked in ten years and is driving a Lexus and has 20 gold chains does NOT mean he's a drug dealer! :shutup:


This Space for Rent
There is a difference between pulling someone over because their black and searching a foreign traveler who happens to be middle eastern and fits a traveling profile between certain countries.

Complete fairness would be random searches every so often. That would be ineffective, wouldn't you agree? Then its just a random chance you will catch a terrorist as long as he is one of the number.

You aren't commiting the travelers of a crime. You aren't only choosing them to get a ticket because they are black (that is wrong). You are taking the time to search someone who fits the profile of a terrorist. It is an inconvenience not a convinction.

They don't have a problem profiling terrorists in the rest of the world (including Europe, Britain, etc...), and thus, their security in airports tends to be safer.

They do not equat to the same thing.


This Space for Rent
Kain99 said:
.... Just because a black man hasn't worked in ten years and is driving a Lexus and has 20 gold chains does NOT mean he's a drug dealer! :shutup:

No, he could be an NFL player or a rapper. :lol:

I kill myself...


Kain99 said:
Yes, please people! The next time you see a muslim extremist hiding a box in the airport just sit down and shuddup! While we are on the subject .... Just because a black man hasn't worked in ten years and is driving a Lexus and has 20 gold chains does NOT mean he's a drug dealer! :shutup:

I can't believe you just wrote that! First of all how would you know if he worked or not? Could you tell just by looking at what car he drives, and what he wears? Or could you tell by the color of his skin? Be honest with me. If its his skin then your being discriminatory. If you saw a white man driving a Lexus would you think he was a drug dealer, or an Executive?


UrbanPancake said:
If it was the other way around, I think you would have a different view.
These days it is the other way around..... No one is immune. :shutup:


FromTexas said:
No, he could be an NFL player or a rapper. :lol:

I kill myself...

Please tell me you guys aren't stereotyping? This is why there is still racism in America. This is why we still need affimative action.


UrbanPancake said:
I can't believe you just wrote that! First of all how would you know if he worked or not? Could you tell just by looking at what car he drives, and what he wears? Or could you tell by the color of his skin? Be honest with me. If its his skin then your being discriminatory. If you saw a white man driving a Lexus would you think he was a drug dealer, or an Executive?
Believe it brother! The facts are the facts! If these groups had not created such a horrific history for themselves none of this would be an issue!


This Space for Rent
UrbanPancake said:
Please tell me you guys aren't stereotyping? This is why there is still racism in America. This is why we still need affimative action.

You are in direct violation of the get a clue act.

This message has been brought to you by the humor police.


Football season!
UrbanPancake said:
Please tell me you guys aren't stereotyping? This is why there is still racism in America. This is why we still need affimative action.
"I mean - come on! You can have a Billion Man March! If you don't put down that malt liquor and chicken wings, and get behind someone other than a running back who stabs his wife, you're NEVER gonna get rid of somebody like me! " - From the movie Bullworth


Kain99 said:
Believe it brother! The facts are the facts! If these groups had not created such a horrific history for themselves none of this would be an issue!

And I guess "it's their fault"? I guess preventing them right to vote for all those years had nothing to do with it. I also guess that preventing someone from getting a good job that pays well had nothing to do with it. I'm glad you think all African Americans are the same. I always hear from people down here how ghetto PG county is. There wrong. There are a lot of nice communities in PG. Most of the homes in PG are worth a hell of a lot more then homes down here in Southern Maryland.....


Football season!
UrbanPancake said:
And I guess "it's their fault"? I guess preventing them right to vote for all those years had nothing to do with it. I also guess that preventing someone from getting a good job that pays well had nothing to do with it. I'm glad you think all African Americans are the same. I always hear from people down here how ghetto PG county is. There wrong. There are a lot of nice communities in PG. Most of the homes in PG are worth a hell of a lot more then homes down here in Southern Maryland.....
Oh give me a break. The first 10 minutes of the news every night is from PG county, and it aint about somebody winning the lottery :ohwell: